
Our local paper did the same with the 911 dispatch communications when my good friend/coworker’s sheriff’s deputy brother was shot and killed when responding to a domestic violence call. His family was completely against the audio of his last moments being made public, but legally, nothing could be done to stop it. No

I would throw up if I could stop laughing long enough!

Clumps of undifferentiated cells are not babies. Zygotes are not babies. No federal funds are used for abortion. Google Hyde Amendment. Pick up a science book, follow up with a civics book, quit trolling, and stay out of my uterus.

Yes. And cutting off avenues to have sex not resulting in pregnancy and STDs, or treatment for an STD should one be contracted is clearly an effort to curtail sex for pleasure. We can read between the lines, can’t we, ladies?!

Me too. It’s so disheartening, demoralizing, and frightening as a woman to be used as a pawn in political games designed to ensure votes from the science ignorant. How can any person not see the apocalyptic hell-storm that would be the result of criminalizing abortion in this country? We have to keep fighting for our

Exactly. And he IS getting his day in court.

Yes. Robert Hansen. He used that method, and no one was even aware a serial killer was operating in the area for a long time.

It is frustrating in the sense that our justice system is based on the assumption of innocent until proven guilty, and I think that’s a good thing. However, (and I post this on every article pertaining to sexual offenses I can, because people need to know it) science, real, legitimate science, tells us that false

When you completely lack empathy, and believe yourself to be the only person on Earth who matters, there’s no need to justify your actions to yourself or anyone else. When you think the rest of the world exists purely for your own entertainment and comfort, you can do anything to anyone and never feel guilt or regret.

I’m thinking trying them all together shows he is a serial sexual offender, and 13 women with similar stories are harder to ignore than 1.

Sounds like his lawyer did a great job during jury selection. He and his client must have danced out of the courtroom the day that ideal jury was seated.

The worst ad I’ve ever seen.

RIGHT! A Kym to be admired! This is who girls and women AND men and boys should be looking up to!!!

That’s part of the problem. Sexual assault is the least reported crime in existence.

There are many, and they are everywhere. According to the most extensive study ever conducted on rape, by an incredible man named David Lisak, the average acquaintance rapist rapes an average of 6.3 women. A good way to learn more without dying of boredom is Jon Krakauer’s “Missoula”.

Tell that to their loved ones.

An average of 3 women murdered by their current or former male partner every. single. day. in the US.


I read Jon Krakauer’s Under the Banner of Heaven this year, which is about Mormon history and Mormon Fundamentalist groups. It was shocking. I had no idea the Mormons and the US government literally went to war over plural marriage, and that mainstream LDS discontinued the practice to avoid basically being eradicated.

That’s what happened to me. I was 12, and while I still believed in God, I had seen enough at home, and in our hypocritical southern Baptist church, to know organized religion was not something I wanted to be part of. The pastor decided it was time I was baptized, came to our house, told my parents, and despite