
In that kick-ass Dolly Parton costume.

I’m a Tennessee mountain girl just like Dolly, and that woman is revered in these parts, like the Goddess she is. She came from less than nothing, and is an inspiration. Is there anything she can’t do? Love, love, love her!

Bwahahaahahahaaaaaaa!!!! I needed that laugh!

Aha! I get your point now.

Yep, Jesus was just WONDERFUL to his mother and women.

Religion has a lot to do with this. I’m not especially knowledgeable regarding any religion but Bible-based Christianity and Mormonism, but the Bible is chock-full of very specific condemnations of women and menstruation. The book of Leviticus could be renamed “All the reasons women and periods are filthy, evil, and

Maybe Atheists will be more apt to stay out of these discussions when their lives stop being directly negatively affected by religion. Maybe when the church gets out of my vagina and stops promoting the idea I’m a second class citizen, I won’t ever have to even think of them again. Until then, I suppose I have to stay

It’s good strategy. Half the population is female, and they all menstruate. If you teach people to believe menstruation is evil, unclean, and detrimental to men, you can unite them in keeping women down. That’s half the dominion battle right off the bat. Disgusting, but effective. It still works to this day in the

I took an epic amount of crap for cutting my hair short years ago, mostly from male clients at my job, who whined and cried as if I had personally kicked them in the balls by getting a pixie. They would literally wail “WHYYYYYYYY?” It’s all about telling women how they should look/act/think/feel.

This. I’m so not surprised by the unsolicited criticisms, because women deal with this all.the.damn.time.

And of course he’s wrong. She called police herself and was not charged.

Ding ding ding!!

What a horrible experience. I just want to say, in regard to your rape, I believe you. I believe rape victims. Thank you for sharing your story.

They are also so ignorant they don’t know the Abrahamic religious all worship the very same God.

This!!!! The Establishment Clause, folks. Learn it, love it!

Been wrong, that is. See?!

I’m thinking no, but I’ve wrong before.

The crime is called Luring. No one made that up.

Hell yes for believing women, men, and children who say they’ve been raped!! We believe you, and science supports that. 92-98% of rape claims are true, science FACT!

If we don’t laugh about this shitshow, we’ll lose it! One year to go.