
The yooogest, classiest, most gilded production of our time!

Gunhumpers feel threatened alllll the time. The average, regular dude gunhumper dwells constantly on the fact that someone, somewhere, at this very moment in time, there is a penis in existence larger than their own, it’s probably brown, so they all must die, and those thoughts drives their actions.

Rhetorical question, but one I can answer.

The look on his face while they all kick the shit out of their podiums for being too liberal would be priceless!

Maybe the moderators do need to dumb it down in that case.

Exactly. Ladies, we are responsible for our own health. You are the one and only person you can trust to make your own safety and well being the top priority. Condoms are sold to women, not just men.

It’s extremely prevalent. Rape is the most underreported crime. Of the small percentage that is reported, only another small percentage results in an indictment, and another tiny percentage of those result in a conviction. It is the only crime in existence in which victims are doubted upon reporting. Faulty studies

So many, many stars!!!!

We shouldn’t live in a world in which I am so surprised and grateful to encounter a man that “gets” this, but we do, so thank you for being a good man who has empathy for women!

So many similar stories on this thread. I shouldn’t be surprised, but somehow, I still am. The experiences women and girls have in this world continue to blow my mind.

You’re fantastic!

I was 17. He was 27. I’m now 35, and only recently admitted to myself he was a sexual predator.