
50 dollars!?!? That’s interesting. On the positive side, I very much welcome the idea of a smaller game because the recent trend of AC games, especially Valhalla and Odyssey, the game was just damn big. But that price point makes a tad worried that this game is really just an overpriced expansion pack level of content

Police aren’t gonna do shit. As some of the others stated a good chunk of them support the same right wing group. But it also is part of a larger systematic criminal justice problem where in crimes like this, its gotten to the point where there’s no use in calling them because when they show up, the police just shrug

Richard Pryor was most definitely woke. But that was more because his eyes stayed permanently open from all of the cocaine.

He’s one of those people where its just complicated. He was both capable of good to great accomplishments but at the same time part of some terrible (allegedly but come on) behavior. Without a doubt, he was one of the best athletes of all time. Not just the greatest football players, but just about anything that you

*meekly raises hand*

“Where is the Marzipan?” -Tom

Kinda wild that they invested so much in Willow and won’t even let it sit in the library for awhile. I can understand not doing another season, but not even letting people get a chance to maybe watch it and see if it picks up anything? I guess there’s just no getting around that it was giant flop.

Unless you like reality TV drivel,  then definitely check out it because that finale, along with this season, has been all time classic reality TV drivel.

Some agency out there is working stupid hard promoting Jack Harlow. That guy is everywhere. He’s a mediocre rapper and a terrible actor yet you can’t escape him the last couple of years. His agent(s) are earning their checks

The Rock is in the hospital with a broken arm. In the distance, he sees an explosion. He flexes his muscle and breaks the cast. Tells his young daughter “Daddy’s gotta go to work”. Then proceeds to steal an ambulance and uses it to crash through a bridge and take down an aircraft

What a pathetically sad life Eduard is living (and many many like him). Can’t accept the fact he’s just a normal nobody like 99.9% of the rest of us in human existence so he has to pretend he’s on the leading edge of exposing the conspiracy of conspiracies as if he’s the main character of a movie.

I know that plenty in media can run wild with things and can be cruel, but this has been going on for a couple of weeks now with quite a few reputable outlets and people that know Foxx all showing genuine concern yet at no point did Corrine or anyone close to Foxx come out and say, “It’s all good”. I find it hard to

Yeah, its suppose to say “couldn’t”. Wrong autofill. *shrug*

The edit, to me, spelled doom for Victoire when they featured her right at the beginning but when she mentioned she could handle spice, I for sure knew she was done for. Not being able to handle spice but having to cook Indian food is an impossible task. What a bad draw for her.

Bluey is a show that comes in the disguise as a kids show but its main purpose is to hit adults right in the feels. The ending shot of “Grandad” left me a mess.

So Twitter is profusely bleeding advertisers (Elon Musk, gOoD aT bIzNuS) and we know Tucker Carlson drove them away from Fox by the barrel. So I see where this is going. They’re gonna charge (whether its Twitter Blue or extra) for the ability to watch the show. Elon will think this will be some brilliant move to

No snark here when I say I legitimately didn’t know it was still a thing. I actually watch MTV too (mostly just The Challenge) and I can’t recall the last time I ever saw any mention of MTV News whether it was an ad, a break in, or the little news updates they use to do back in the 90s. Figured they quietly killed it

Props to them for actually fighting with their helmets off.

This is excellent. A- or A whatever you want to give it. It’s great. Commercials ain’t lying when they say its the best Marvel movie since Endgame. I’d say its the best of the Guardians movies too. A lot of the criticisms you see in the post-Endgame movies from people is they lost their edge, its too formulaic,