
Andor’s second season is still filming; no word, exactly, on when it’ll arrive on Disney+, but Gilroy will apparently be driving it like he stole it when it gets here.

Victoire made a tactical mistake that likely doomed her team right from the start by picking Tom first. Neither of them have Restaurant Wars experience so that gives them a disadvantage, especially on a season with so much talent. Maybe the results of the picks would have resulted them being on the same team

The pattie on that double looks reasonably good. McDonalds, at least the ones near me, have had ridiculously thin patties over the last couple of years. It was clear they were trying to cheap out by using the least amount of meat possible. The ones in the pics above look closer to what they use to be.

It is a fair argument to make if you just focus on the name being “The Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame”. But in practice, the R&RHOF became a general music hall of fame long ago. I mean, they had people like Smokey Robinson and Marvin Gaye in some of their first classes and I wouldn’t say they were “rock”.

Looks freaking sweet. Really enjoyed Part 1, even if it ended right as it felt like we started getting somewhere.

Having workers serve you instead of getting the food yourself is a big improvement. I haven’t been in years and years (still don’t plan to), but probably the worst thing about buffet places like GC is how messy things got. People are fucking lazyass slobs. Food being spilt all over the buffet, getting mixed in with

Yeah, I’m not buying this. He had way more overt racism and white nationalism on air than what that text had and Fox had no problem airing it for years. Now apparently in one of the texts he also called his boss a C U Next Tuesday, so that’s probably what got him fired. Which is totally valid! You should be fired for d

How massive of a piece of shit we talking here? Slicked back hair, sloppy steaks at Truffoni’s?

Recently I finally broke down and jumped into Discord to see what all the fuss is about. I don’t get it. It’s basically just a chat room and one that’s kind hard to follow along with too. I guess I’ve just been on the internet long enough now that there’s nothing new under the HTML sun.

Backpack two-stroke leaf blowers are the worst. Not only are they fucking obnoxious to listen to, they are extremely dirty. How about just picking up a damn rake, broom or electric blower?

I’m all for supporting local/independent restaurants, but I’m not sure you could say its cheaper. Better, could very well be, but cheaper, not so much. I know a few independent places where prime rib and 1 side would be 40 dollars. This Outback special says its PR, shrimp, and 2 sides for 30 dollars. That’s a great

I am severely disappointed Danny DeVito didn’t emerge naked from inside a leather couch and run around the room.

That 90s Episode and Lisa Goes Gaga are the worst, I’d probably rank Lisa Goes Gaga as #1.

I mean, we actually do. Because ancient Egyptians actually depicted themselves in their art and hieroglyphs. They span all kinds of colors from brown skin, light skin (not white like Nordic white, but fairer like you see in other places in the Med), and black skin (especially the period of time when Nubia had more

But see, that would require actual work diving into history and all that stuff. That’s hard. Why do all of that when you can just glom onto something well known?

I am severely disappointed this episode didn’t end with all the judges and chefs sitting around a table with Vin Diesel giving a speech on the importance of family

Wait, for real? Like its actually good? That’s a genuine surprise because from all the trailers it looks terrible, like a straight to DVD release that you find in a bin at Dollar General.

Is there a way to turn this feature off? I’d rather save the time and download space of not having 4k textures.

I’m surprised Awkwafina is still going by that name. Figured at some point she’d transition out of it as her fame grew. Awkwafina -> Nora “Awkwafina” Lum -> Nora Lum

I think there’s no popular nationwide hot dog chain because hot dogs tend to be heavily regional specific and the people that eat hot dogs also aren’t that keen on eating them unless they are made the way they are use to. A hot dog in the south is totally different from the Northeast, just like a hot dog in the