
He and the rest of the trash need to be removed from the government.

A lot of people will be all “bluh bluh but NASA had wammans forever I saw that math movie” to which the answer is “NASA had women early on for the same reason a lot of electronics companies did: rote mathematics and computer maintenance was considered drudge work that was beneath men.”

Close. He’s got lots of children who hate him.

Like a drunk, childless uncle that knows exactly how everyone else should raise their kids.

Killing the XTerra right when the whole world was getting super into off-road-adjacent SUVs is all you need to say to show Nissan’s management is incompetent.

You’re assuming they have jobs. Give it a week and let’s see.  Tax cuts dont come free, ya know.

Dashcam footage of a plane crash (half mile away? Hard to tell) isn’t really “seeing people die”. It’s rather impersonal since we don’t see them before, during, or after.

Thankfully our government is worried about immigrants and trans people, so we can lose our shit to China in yet another technology race.

Also, they can raise them and point to tariffs as the cause, even if it’s a flat-out lie, because consumers are largely incapable/too lazy to know for sure. And materials subjected to 25% tariffs will nonetheless rise in price by > 30%, because again, consumers largely suck at math and dont care enough to crunch the

Fun Fact: Tariffs cause non-impacted products to raise their price because they can raise them and still be cheaper.

I’m done.  I hope they suffer the most.  Screw them.  They did this to themselves.

If anyone in the White House press corps had any self respect, they would ask him to spell tariff.

oh wow, the Mountain States Legal foundation thinks it’s bad? Huh, I wonder what they’re all about.
A ‘non-profit’ organization funded by oil companies and the conservative Castle Rock foundation? Not a great start, but hey, maybe they have put their weight behind good things.


The FAA and air traffic control are chronically understaffed.

Except that the rapist trumpf initiated that program in his first presidency. And by the way its not only controllers that the FAA hires, they need mailroom clerks and janitors also. Hiring people with disabilities to perform non critical tasks gets them off welfare and into the workforce. Wouldn’t that actually be a

All he has to do is blame DEI for everything, and people will line up and believe what he says as gospel. No facts, no investigations, no thinking, no common sense.

Too bad it wasn’t AF1. Would have solved a lot of problems.

I engage with ATC personnel dozens of times a year. While I don’t fly myself anymore, I ride right seat in a GA aircraft probably 100 hours/year, nearly always IFR, which means a lot of communication. On the ground, I design airport projects which interface with ATC rules, and often often have controllers as part of

Naming an airport after the guy that fired 11,000 air traffic controllers is peak republican.