
I wish I wasn’t from Minneapolis after your comment. For God’s sake, give it a fucking rest with seeking to make everything about race.

This comment is idiotic. But you could call a ham sandwich a racist on Deadspin and 50 guilty white people would give you a star.

Let’s create racism where there is none! YAYYYYY!!!!

Oh. Thank God the race-card guy showed up. Wouldn’t be Deadspin without you!

We’ve all been there. Keep your chin up. You’ll do fine.

What’s lazy is this narrative. If JJ Watts did the same thing he would get killed as well.

I also see that down the road, once the dust settles, the car business will become an Amazon.com. That’s where you order the cars exactly the way you want them. They send it to a service facility and you go there and pick [up] your car. There will not be a salesperson. But Mr. Customer, I hate to tell you, there’s

Sigh. I guess I gotta be that guy.

That is a great point about the Apple stores. Definitely makes the process easier.

Until now, I didn’t think anything could be as disappointing as Audioslave’s “Cochise” was. This is still true.

This showing both sides to be fair bullshit creates an illusory landscape of equality. The amount of people that think it’s okay and the amount of people that are pro racial slurs are not equatable in size and they should not be treated as if they are. Racists don’t deserve to be defended and they don’t deserve to be

As someone who crowded the plate through LL and high school ball, I’ll say this: I would much rather take a pitch on my upper arm or thigh than my neck, hip, or back. The only better place is the butt.

Counter-counter-counter point: it’s not your property, you’re not local law enforcment, don’t fucking touch.

It was a criminal act and has no bearing on the disposition of the car. This is the same as looting flood damaged cars.

Dude! This is the same logic I use when raping passed out drunk women.

It was a shitty thing to do and has no bearing on the disposition of the car.

Counter-point: It’s not your property so don’t fucking touch it.

I feel like Lions fan is almost exactly the same as Lions hater

Actually I’m a fan, which I why I fully expect every good thing that comes this team’s way to be ripped from under me, because why wouldn’t it?