
He has people skills! He’s good at dealing with people! Can’t you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?!

When I read “I’m friends with Obama...” that was my only thought.

Or you could just get rid of the whole grey/non-grey system. It’s kinda stupid and frankly classist.

I Have No Audience, And I Must Troll

Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime

Going to have to disagree. Partly out of fandom from GRRM—HBO wouldn’t have a megahit if it wasn’t for him—and partly because I feel that King’s style suffers from his prolific output.

Nonsense. The series was critically acclaimed and well known in the genre long before HBO got involved. That said I have no faith he’ll finish the series now. The show will be my resolution to the series.

That bullshit...I worked in a science fiction/fantasy bookstore in high school around 2001 and he was the most popular writer, even more so than Robert Jordan. He was so popular that all the stuff had a hate on for him because of the super nerd fanboys...that’s was almost two decades ago.

Definitely. I think the sign that resonated most was “Flint needs clean water.” That person was saying it’s more important to look at the bigger picture of inequality than trying to prove a who’s-less-racist point

At this point I am convinced that this will only end when we spill 100% of their nazi/klan/ayran blood in our soil.

Great, and im sure piling on TF will be effective.

There should be statues of him everywhere, with the plaque on it saying “I’m just here so I don’t get fined.”

Well for all intensive purposes in this day in age they’re one in the same.

I’m sorry but I disagree. Back when I still rode motorcycle (before my accident which was caused by someone not paying attention) drivers like this used to terrify me.

However, the dipshit seems like he did a shallow read of evolutionary psychology and decided it’s motherfucking gospel.

Why do you insist on acting so much more hyperbolic with your “meaning” explanations than the actual quotes, which are pretty sober? I’ll also note that it’s odd how so many headlines etc. have characterized his post as a “screed” or “rant” when it’s not. As opposed to YOUR ALL CAPS INTERPRETATION.

he did no such thing.

Do you know what “disingenuous” means?

Too bad the Apple employee didn’t feel the same way.

Unfortunately, that is the current political environment, especially from people on the left.