
It’s pretty shitty normal of Google to not at least admit that their vehicle didn’t behave in a predictable presumptive fashion here.

People in this state SUCK at driving.

Braking is always an option.

There are some truly frightening replies to your post. Clearly people do not know the rules of the road when merging onto a highway.

Yes, that’s the law in California, too. (Source: I’m a Californian.)

When you are on the ramp, it is your responsibility to merge. If there is no room, you need to react. Sure, people can be nice and make room for you but at the end of the day it is your responsibility. If you expect people to fix this for you, you are dangerous.

This. so much this. People think that they have the right of way on an on-ramp when they do not. Then you get the other class of morons doing 70 and slam on their brakes and almost cause an accident to let someone merge in.

If i’m already on the highway I have the right of way. Merging traffic legally has to yield. Camry should have slowed down and merged properly. His/her fault

I came here to make the same comment. The camry was entering the freeway and 100% responsible for yielding. And this is the problem with self driving cars. Computers are currently no match for the human sense of entitlement. 

a car entering a highway is supposed to yield right of way. end of story. in this situation the camry should have stopped and waited for a save opportunity to merge into traffic. 

it depends on the situation but the fact is that someone entering a highway needs to be prepared to stop. you can’t just assume that someone will let you in

California is the same as most other states and the vehicles entering traffic via the onramp must yield to traffic already on the freeway, therefore dickhead engineer (can’t be bothered to spell his name or copy and past) was not at fault, and it was the Camry.

If the Camry was blocked in, then the car behind it would be in the exact same position as it was if the Prius slowed down. Or are you suggesting that the Prius slow down so much (dangerously so) that it allows both cars to merge in front of it?

Why? Traffic on the left is supposed to be faster than traffic on the right, so one should expect traffic on the right to merge behind cars on the left, not for cars on the left to slow down for cars on the right.

The question is not whether pasghetticode is “that guy”. The question is whether the Prius failed to yield to the Camry, or whether the Camry failed to yield to the Prius. The only way to determine that is to figure out who had the right-of-way.

It’s certainly polite to do so, but unless California’s rules are different, it’s exclusively merging traffic’s responsibility to find somewhere to merge. Traffic already on the highway has the right of way and has no requirement to slow down, speed up, or get over to accommodate merging traffic.  Though I’ve heard if

Torch keeps missing the reason why people want the higher ride height and it has nothing to do with off-roading. It’s mostly for ease of entry/exit. It’s easier to get into and out of a taller vehicle, especially if that vehicle is a compact or subcompact.

Yeah, who knew one of the most popular musicians in the world had fans?

Or Tommy Wiseau!

“In a sworn deposition this week, O.J. Simpsons claimed that he never beat, choked, or hit his ex-wife with a closed or open fist. Luckily for O.J., lawyers forgot to ask if he had ever cut her head off.”