
I was excited to see Black Panther, due to all the praise it was receiving. I was expecting something better, but it’s really just the same Grade B Marvel movie wearing a different outfit. None of the Marvel films are great films, including Black Panther and Infinity War.

The original movie was great and did not need an “adaptation”. I’m sure my take is new and has never been mentioned in connection with this film.

The beef is over because Drake got bodied.  Nobody should need an update on this story.

I’d like to also assure you that passing the bar in California guarantees nothing in regard to knowledge of California traffic laws. Not only is there a high chance no traffic law questions appear (for example, the Feb 2018 exam contained none), the very people vested with enforcing the traffic laws have no

An entrance ramp vs a highway lane is not two lanes merging.  It is one lane ending, causing one vehicle to merge with existing traffic at speed.  You can fight it all you want, you’ll still lose if you ever try to take these arguments to court.

Good luck.  You will lose this argument in court.  If you want to argue it is already part of the highway, you would still lose based on the merging traffic changing lanes while the non-merging traffic does not.  You will always have the right-of-way over a vehicle changing lanes into your space.

The failure to admit the benefits of higher vehicles just makes the arguments presented look childish. I drive a sedan (no hatch/wagon option) because I value handling over the ease-of-use benefits of an SUV (given equivalent performance in other areas). My partner drives an crossover because he cares more how easy it

You can easily get all that stuff used for pennies on the dollar. An old iPad isn’t worth much to someone who can afford to buy new iPads. Non-Apple Laptops devalue worse than cars. That isn’t a qualitative comparison. It’s just the reality of the market.

I doubt it.

If Eddie ever decides he’s old enough to let shit go and completely drop his self-imposed re-imaging of the last ~30 years, he could be great again.

Yes, it has been a whirlwind.  Hasn’t it?

You mean like PROpane!?  The wordplay is just off the charts.

They could be making a clever point, but my experience in commentary leads me to believe the odds are against it.

Says” Rod Strickland Propane a lot.

Any expression made to deliberately provoke or offend the subject of the post is a troll. The parent is obviously a troll. You’re more borderline. Either way, you need to brush up on your analysis, as I never called your comment a troll. I implied it was even more superfluous than a post I called a troll.  I don’t

Your comment has less content than the troll’s.

I don’t get the hype about Jennifer Garner. I generally don’t find her dialogue delivery believable. I always feel like she’s overacting. I never saw any promotion for this film that made me think this wasn’t going to be a dumpster fire.  I’m not surprised it turned out to be terrible.

This album is amazing, and that’s coming from someone who couldn’t even tell you which Eminem songs are from which albums (other than Walk on Water, due to how often it and Revival got mentioned as being terrible). I usually listen to a new Eminem album once or twice when it first comes out. Nothing he’s done is

This is a pretty bad troll. You should go back to the lab (without a mic to grab) and work on it a bit.

My 1991 CRX Si was not the fastest, nor the most fun to drive, nor the best looking car I’ve owned, but it is still my favorite.