
This belief is as unfounded as any racist view. Some people change. Some people don’t. It is, indeed, possibly to have one or more belief system changes over the course of a lifetime. If you don’t believe racist views can be eliminated, then you must also believe you can’t change religions or sports teams or

Nearly every place I’ve seen the anti-texting laws put into place, there are usually exemptions for law enforcement, emergency response, and sometimes even just commercial drivers.

Edit: I would add I don’t agree with exemptions to a very clear impairment to driving. I am just providing information.

Punching someone in the face is not the best way to stop them, and it is certainly not a leading option given during training. The most physical response needed would be a simple hold that controls the opponent without the potential for significant harm to either party. If you want to wear the badge, you should expect

Are you seriously asking if they’re serious? Seriously, dude...

It’s all midrange with the stock tune. A stage-1 WRX has linear power from 2K to redline.

I would say the same thing in reverse. The STI feels old, and WRX already does everything better except extreme track/off-road handling.

WTF, Crushim!?

I had my mind set on an STI until I actually got behind the wheel of a 15+ WRX. I drove both a 14 hatch STI and a 16 STI, and I compared them to a OTS Stage-1 16 WRX. I disagree with the take on WRX vs STI being a paper-only close-call. The STI definitely still has the advantage on dirt, but the low-end power of the

I’ve had all the major services (still have Netflix, Hulu, and Prime), and I would still rank Netflix an easy and clear #1 for content across the board. I would rank Hulu #2 after Netflix, although their new interface is a debacle of New Coke proportions. Prime (for me) is a distant #3. Prime content is extremely hit

I’m still of the belief the AMX was the pinnacle “look” for American muscle.

I know I’m beating a dead horse here, but “moot” doesn’t mean what many people think it means. A “moot” is a formal gathering intended to debate issues. A “moot point” is an argument that should be tabled until a “moot” can take place.

Any time the assassination is mentioned, all my mind does is keep repeating the phrase “Back...and to the left”.

1979 Buck Regal Auto-V6 with 115K miles in 1992, I drove 4 Regals in succession as my first cars - 1979, 1980 x 2, and lastly 1978. They all had less real power than a Honda CRX HF (62hp). I had to see the hill coming and floor it to avoid decelerating going up.

“I don’t recline my seat back on the person behind me”

I don’t know you, but you have instantly advanced above a massive portion of humanity in my estimation.

The discount for Prime members extends to 2 weeks following the game’s release. So, yes, you can’t pre-order it after it comes out...but you can still get the same price for 2 weeks.

The discount for Prime members extends to 2 weeks following the game’s release. So, yes, you can’t pre-order it

Black Forest 4 lyf.

Either you misread my comment or you replied to the wrong comment. Unless the sport having a “smoother” (than what?) ride has something to do with me pointing out that not all Subarus are AWD.

I read David Cross as just being mean, and he says whatever it takes to accomplish a wound on his target. It looks like he succeeded.

Is he an asshole? Signs point to yes. I do not think David Cross is any example of the truly frightening elements of racism.

I stopped paying attention to CR when they said Civics were predicted to be generally unreliable due to reader reports of stereo glitches.