
“She has nothing to gain by lying” is not a reasonable argument for conviction.

It is a sport. There is no non-casual. I am not above watching sports, but considering them worthy of despair is ridiculous.

My cousin had season tickets for the Patriots that he waited forever to get. He let a friend of his use them without him for a game, and the “friend” got so drunk and disorderly the Patriots revoked the season tickets. I think it took another decade for my cousin to get another pair (or however many you have to buy,

Firstly, “unwanted physical contact” is a far broader claim than “grabbing a body part”.

Secondly, no. “Grabbing a body part” is not necessarily a physical attack. You could have figured that out for yourself. Go lean into a train and hope for a good Samaritan.

Assault, legally in some areas, is unwanted physical contact.
Assault, by definition, is a physical attack.

The omission is poor writing due to ambiguity, but your “belittling and dismissive” accusation is ridiculous overreach.

Does “Not ... legit” mean “none, due to not qualifying by losing to Trinidad & Tobago”?

“...in the land of hypocrisy”

The Raid is derivative of the movement that started with Ong Bak. I guess you could claim The Raid is more important than Dredd, as it has definitely caused more of a ripple in the film industry. However, Dredd was a better film. Dredd is nearly flawless in its representation of the source material.

If there is chocolate inside something, it was not cleaned with an industrial dishwasher. The steam alone would melt any chocolate to the point of being removed during rinse.

Taste is subjective, and humor doesn’t require any defense. “I offend everyone!” refutes target bias. It is not an attempt to defend the humor itself.

The STi powertrain has stayed much the same, but any 2015+ WRX (FA20) with an OTS tune is a vast improvement in my experience. It is much quicker below 4K than any EJ I’ve driven.

The only time I’ve ever seen these get any praise at all is with a swap to the 4th gen turbo. Since that was in the late 90s, I’m certain they are only going to compare less favorably today.

There is nothing about this model that should have it going up in value. These were dirt cheap in the late 90s, and I’m not paying $13K for what is definitely a pig compared to a lot of quicker and newer options in that price range.

On the multi-exit stores, I park and leave from the same door regardless of the rules (no sane retailer is going to confront a customer over this). The stores that physically prevent this (Best Buy comes to mind) generally have the doors next to each other, so they usually aren’t that big a deal. The only place I

I’m not a subprime borrower, but I’m definitely feeling the pain after buying 2 cars at $0 down and then having unexpected medical expenses blow the shit out of my budget 2 years into the loans. If I am out of work for 6+ months anytime in the next 3 years (not expected, but always possible), I’m fairly certain I’ll

I will never understand why anyone cares about this shit. Unless you are one of the people involved, chances are there’s something more important about your own life that deserves this attention.

One of our dogs will really just continuously reject pills no matter what you hide it in. He is just too smart. I can get him to take liquids pretty easy, but anything solid he always finds and spits out.

My partner doesn’t like it, but I got fed up with this sort of issue and just do what I’ve seen vets do: shove