
The comment directly relates to the subject of the post: the draw of 50 Cent vs the draw of the show itself. The OP doesn’t watch the show because of 50 Cent. Thus, the OP will not be likely to stop watching Starz due to 50 Cent leaving Starz.

The comment makes sense. Your response does not make sense, and it makes

Neutral: Not changing my lifelong “no VW” rule. If they gave me one free, I’d throw it up for sale and let it sit.

I think you must have had a pretty good life if the parent’s author is a “nightmare” to you.

There are beaches in Oregon that allow it. One of the highlights of last summer was watching some idiots get their SUV stuck with the tide coming in. A bunch of people helped them. You can always count on nice people to ruin something hilarious.

Sonos collects zero data when you refrain from purchasing their products. Instead of accepting strong-arm tactics, why not just restrain yourself from buying a purely nonessential nice-to-have.

Are you telling me I can’t just Moat up and control until you die? I miss the 90s.

I find GRRM passable, and I find King terrible. I don’t think of either of them as fantastic wordsmiths.

I lived in Beaverton for 10 years. That’s what it does to you.

I oppose white supremacists and/or Nazis and/or any-racist-of-any-kind because I believe racism is a crime against humanity. I’ll tell a Nazi they aren’t fucking welcome. I don’t even have any issues with violence against racists who refuse to leave. I’ll also tell you to fuck right off with “white people just need

Some people just don’t like kids. I certainly don’t, and I don’t see that changing considering I’ve crested the metaphorical hill without any wavering of my feelings thus far. I’m looking forward to perfecting my curmudgeonly skills as I finally begin to look the part of a grumpy old man. 

I didn’t comment about this video, but since you insisted I consider the case of this u-turner...

I watched the video. There’s no excuse at all for the Smart cars turn. It is not just into the next lane. It appears to cross at least partially into the 3rd lane before coming back across the 2nd lane and into the 1st.

In 1992 (when I took driver’s ed), I was instructed it was against the law in Kansas to turn into any lane other than the one aligned with yours. If you are legally turning from the center lane, you turn into the center lane (left to left, right to right, etc). If there is only one lane on your side, you turn into

If your lungs are inflamed, it certainly isn’t ideal, but it also doesn’t necessarily mean you’re in danger of imminent death. I’ve nearly died twice from pneumonias (life-flighted even), but pneumonias can be caused by a wide range of things. The underlying cause dictates how difficult it will be to recover.

I find your alarmism alarming. The only people who care about the Bundys are extremists. If extremists had a substantial membership, they wouldn’t be considered extreme. I live within an easy drive of the wildlife refuge. Nobody really cares what happened there. Most people I know wished they’d just given up at

The AMX is my answer whenever asked for favorite muscle car.

I don’t understand the issue. I drive a WRX. Are you saying there are interiors that don’t rattle?

I hope you feel bad for wanting the game to be fun. Fun is bad now! Am I doing this right?

The motorhead refurb was down at $180 a month (or so) ago. I bought one of them, and it has served well so far. My Dyson Ball upright was less than $250 when I got it. I’m not buying any stick vac for over $200. I’d rather fork over the money for a full size Riccar cordless, if I’m going to blow that much cash on

The motorhead refurb was down at $180 a month (or so) ago. I bought one of them, and it has served well so far. My

If it isn’t cool to happen to poor people, it isn’t cool to happen to rich people.

I’m guessing around 90% of the staff?