That’s funny. Every time I’m around people who talk guns, they will correct the false equation of clip and magazine if someone confuses the two.
That’s funny. Every time I’m around people who talk guns, they will correct the false equation of clip and magazine if someone confuses the two.
I don’t see any deal breakers in the photos, but even this price is above average in my area (PNW). You can find these cars for < $4K if you sit around waiting for one at this mileage.
I’ve seen several over the past year or 2 go for < $5K. There’s one for $4800 right now, with similar miles to the NP/CP and good condition leather interior.
I hated when Toyota/Honda/Nissan created fake brands for the US market. If a car is called a Honda in Japan, it should be a Honda here.
I was a diehard Honda performance driver for over a decade (including this model year), but this car is overpriced for the mileage. Rose-colored glasses won’t make this a worthwhile purchase.
I’m happy to admit I cannot name a song by Justin Bieber. Well, except for Despacito, because of this post. You have ruined my streak.
I don’t really understand the obsession with convincing people not to buy AWD. I drove FWD SIs for years, and it only took a few corners in a WRX to convince me I wanted a Subaru. It had nothing to do with the weather.
None of these constitute a ban of the media. Were you under the impression that you can’t legally see movies that don’t have MPAA ratings? A 1952 Supreme Court ruling made movies a form of free speech. There are a wide array of art-house theaters willing to display such films. The V-Chip is entirely voluntary. You…
I got into Subaru in 2003 purely on $$/speed math. The WRX was the best bang for my buck in the price range I was shopping. AWD was just a bonus to me at the time. I drove that car for 13 years, and now I feel disappointed by anything that isn’t AWD. Once I took a corner with solid AWD, it was over for me. Unless…
I am what many would consider an uncaring, lazy bastard. I really find it difficult to care about much of anything. However, I am most assuredly a “if you’re going to do it, do it properly” person. When I see some xenophobic and/or racist and/or classist rhetoric pop up based on the most obviously flawed logic (or…
I don’t see how you can possibly draw a standard between the mentally ill. If someone is mentally ill, you must start from a position of complete lack of control/intent and work backward from there by observing the subject.
I can’t imagine it is coke, unless she pre-planned making a scene and intentionally amped up for it. Most people wouldn’t waste coke on a trip to Target.
It’s easy to talk about. It’s easy to sum it up...when you just talk about practice.
Maybe you’re just saying to use the technique rather than suggesting this is a case of mansplaining, but this is clearly just basic political scumbaggery on the part of the Secretary without regard to gender differences. I do salute Maxine Waters stalwart defense of this white noise strategy.
He’s just a dancer in the dark.
It doesn’t take this sort of extreme behavior to fuel that fire. I had the misfortune of visiting an affluent outdoor shopping area on Tuesday afternoon to get my phone serviced. I did not anticipate the level of casual excess I would find.
There was the enormous and ridiculously unnecessary Land Rover stopped in the…
No, your feelings and opinions aren’t proof of anything. They are simply thoughts you’ve had that seem to correlate with what you’ve seen.
Also not proof of anything: pretty much all the women I know who voted for Trump are the strong dominant in their family. They simply are delusional in their beliefs that Trump…
If you want to compare pre/post demand, you need to state current demand. You have stated current production as 9.6 billion b/d, and everyone reading your comment is assuming you are claiming 9,693.8 - 8.0 = 9,685.8 (BY 8). That would be an insignificant decrease compared to 9,693.8 - 9,685.8 = 8 (TO 8). If you…
I’ve never cared what a pickup looks like as long as it hauls what I need.