
If we’re talking about the USA, children of any age (<18) make up only around 24% of the population. Most households will not have 2 children in car seats. Demand stemming from such families will make up a small portion of the overall. The trend is projected downward until at least 2050. If there is any

Phil Hellmuth, he is a great poker player and a terrible sport.

Everyone wants an answer that is realizable. It doesn’t exist. People are not inherently good. They are going to do bad things. These amateurs could have done a lot more damage by bothering to learn some fairly basic chemistry and physics.

This is true for me (second born) except IQ. I’m holding that over my older sister forever! She got the expensive law school degree and the 3 million dollar house. The least I can have is those 9 worthless points!

I disagree. I want everyone as done as possible with getting overhead items by the time it is open to move forward. That means Aisle Guy gets own stuff, then helps middle and window with their stuff. All this should take place as early as possible. Sometimes there isn’t room for everything to come down, but you do

This animal may have been just fine, but the implied “we’re a no-kill shelter so we wouldn’t hide the crazy in a rescue” is definitely a stretch from my experience. They are generally full to capacity, overworked, understaffed, and they don’t have the time (and possibly the inclination) to spend more than a few

There won’t be an MSRP if there are no dealers. The MSRP exists solely as a guide for wholesale customer resellers. When there are no wholesale customers reselling vehicles, there will only be a RP, and that RP will assuredly fluctuate based on regional market demand. There is little doubt that direct sales will

I could be the walrus, I’d still have to bum rides off of people.

“loose” - The inclusion of this mistake was obviously meant to soften the blow.

His behavior was ridiculous, but he’ll always be my favorite player. I think it’s due to him being more relatable to me than a consummate professional.

This is an uninteresting circle-jerk initiator that is in no way a new discussion. I’m more curious as to what the black-on-black crime numbers would be if we eliminate all police crime in the black community that has been covered up with the “black-on-black crime” label.

John Cena has twice as many wishes granted as Justin Bieber.

These are the questions that try men’s souls.

I believe skiptheboss is referring to the possibility that you are a) not black, b) not rude, or c) not a negro. If we accept the most commonly held association, a = c. So, we’re left with a or b. I don’t see any likely evidence of rudeness in your initial comment. Thus, I believe we must assume skiptheboss’s

This is ambiguous. Replace “himself” with “Kovalev”. However, I did enjoy the image of Andre Ward punching himself in a masterful attempt to appear insane.

One of my strongest irritations with my 16 WRX is that I cannot disable automatic climate control. Every time I turn on the vent, I have to immediately turn off the AC that has stupidly enabled by default. Until AC somehow becomes inconsequential to the performance of the vehicle, it should remain a separate manual

The transmission on my 1993 GEO Prizm gave up in the turn lane used by the majority of employees to enter headquarters on my first day of work at a large multinational corporation. I met a lot of really happy people that day.

Cargo space in a sedan only compares when dimensions of items are smaller than the trunk opening. My car is a sedan, but it is obvious that my partner’s Outback is superior at hauling larger items. Significantly larger items fit in the Outback without impairing rear vision in any way.

I realize there are always outliers, and I’m probably one of them, but I think I’m one of a significant minority percentage. I only care about performance. It could look like an Aztec as long as it is the best performance for the money I’m spending.

No one is ever going to know what he’s really thinking, but he might have just been pissed that RTJJ won’t admit the course was terrible (I have no opinion on that matter).