I don’t think he felt any reason to refute the allegation. He probably doesn’t care if people think he’s showboating. Being able to showboat means you’ve got something to show...boat.
I don’t think he felt any reason to refute the allegation. He probably doesn’t care if people think he’s showboating. Being able to showboat means you’ve got something to show...boat.
If you want to show people you are better, you need to actually be better. These comments are full of self righteous “But they were bad first!”, and it is not a convincing argument.
Did that feel good? I hope so. It certainly didn’t have any merit otherwise.
People should be taught to show respect to others by not infringing on their space. It is basic etiquette that is lacking. There is nothing good about inventing a more specific target, and the idea that this has anything to do with a masculine power-grab on a wide scale is ridiculous.
I’m guessing you are not a fan of Anthony Jeselnik.
He isn’t a general. He’s an employee. He left to join a company with better prospects. Good for him.
This is a worthless distinction.
Only 156 1998s were ever sold out of 231 manufactured. That doesn’t mean that is anything to care about, but that may be what the seller is trying to claim.
If you’re looking at a truly special porterhouse, it is going to be a lot more than $50. That only strengthens your point, though.
I like Ice-T’s chances vs Trump.
I grew up with RWD, have plenty of years/miles under my belt with various cars from mundane to muscle. Once I went performance AWD, there was no going back for me.
I’m also expecting to see a lot of people, used to FWD economy cars, putting Model-3s into ditches/rails/walls/lakes/oncoming-traffic as we currently see…
If you think someone should accept unwanted contact just because that someone is famous, you’re the asshole.
I worked for a guy in Kansas who auto-crossed competitively. The local Subaru dealer (there was only 1 in the area at the time) actually supported him, providing at least some (if not all, I wasn’t privy to the particulars) parts/labor needed to keep the car in shape to compete. That willingness was one of the…
I don’t really care what kind of personality he has. If he is good, I want to see him fight good opponents.
If this feature allows the notifications to be heard with text-to-speech, then I might use it. If it is simply “no notifications and an auto-response”, I will never use it.
Absolute value is not the one right answer in all purchasing. I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today. We’re all going to die. My time might just be on Monday morning.
These newbs got nothing on Avatar power.
Grim Dawn is my favorite action RPG so far. The developer (Crate) was originally composed of ex-Iron Lore employees (Titan Quest), and they have added an ex-Blizzard North designer as well. I’ve been playing it for several months, and they have an expansion coming out sometime this year.
If she even dreams about quoting Ali, she better wake up and apologize.
I don’t understand the use of Invictus here, as it is very clearly in support of Agnosticism, which would seem to fly in the face of the alt-right non-Christian-exclusionist movement.