I don’t understand how these cars are comparable. The Golf R, yes, but the GTI is just not as much car as the STI. I could see comparing the GTI to the WRX, but I would either be shopping in the STI range or the GTI range, not both.
I don’t understand how these cars are comparable. The Golf R, yes, but the GTI is just not as much car as the STI. I could see comparing the GTI to the WRX, but I would either be shopping in the STI range or the GTI range, not both.
Most of the WRX/STI people I know (including me) wouldn’t touch a WRX with any significant mods unless they knew the previous owner. There is more likelihood that the car is being dumped than it somehow is a diamond in the rough.
Removing ground clearance from a Subaru kills the Subaru.
It wasn’t about whether he actually builds the wall. It was about whether he spoke figuratively or literally. He definitely spoke literally, whether he was being honest about his intentions or beliefs is an entirely different argument.
Regardless of his intent, there is 0% chance any wall resembling the magnitude…
I barely paid attention to the interviews of the candidates, and even I saw Trump discuss the very physical wall several times. He went so far as to estimate (inconsistently over multiple interviews) the materials and labor costs of the wall construction.
The Geo/Chevy Prizm engine was rock solid. We owned 5 of them from 91 - 02, and all but one of them made it in the high 200s without significant repair. The one was mine, and it only failed to get there due to me flooring it constantly with less-than-timely maintenance until the transmission finally gave out at 133K…
I see a lot of people talking about “suffering” groups of Americans being the winning aspect of Trump’s campaign. The idea of American suffering is a clear indicator of how out-of-touch America has become. Perhaps it will take another tragedy of world-altering proportions to remind us all how good we have it.
I loved my 91 CRX Si. I have yet to drive another hatchback with better driver’s sight lines, and the car was a joy to drive. If they were reasonably priced, I would own one again. There just aren’t that many available on the market, and only a small subset of those few are in decent condition. I wish I had never…
This does not actually imply the parent is “picking up your phone and looking at it”. It only suggests the problems without Android Auto are also present with Android Auto.
This really appears to be a better-than-average enterprise corp-level communication. I find your attempts to defame it far more insidious than the original communication.
Why is there a difference based on the exchange of funds? Either all kitchens, in every possible setting, should be required to pass the same inspections or none of them should be subject to such requirements. These laws are based on the possible impact of the sale (number of people effected), not on any logic…
Everyone deserves death. Sooner or later, it won’t make a bit of difference either way.
That was Alien “4". Alien 3 was “Alien with that Guy from Roc in Prison” (Charles Dutton).
Looked to me like Lopez took 2 solid lefts and a straight right, and nothing after the interference counts for much. I definitely saw it as Lopez getting his ass handed to him by the corner man.
American Football was first played in 1869. The forward pass did not become a legal play until 1906, after 19 fatalities in the 1905 season caused a rules revamp in the interests of increased player safety.
Just because the settlement is better than most people expected doesn’t mean it is “right”. A truly appropriate outcome would be no settlement, and VW most likely being driven into catastrophic corporate failure. It isn’t the car owner’s fault VW committed a crime. They certainly shouldn’t be expected to be…
Time will always be more valuable than money. You can always get more money. You can never get more time.
I just ran through the ratings on the declining models for Honda and Subaru. The ratings do not make even mathematical sense. The Civic has only one poor rating (audio system), with all but three ratings being Excellent, and they rated it as Poor.
The CR-V has all but one rating as Excellent (Very Good on Audio), and…
I’ll never put on a life-jacket again.
Settling is for people who refuse to accept the finality of death.