I’m not shocked that Buick is improving reliability. The 79-81 Regal was one of the most reliable American cars for nearly a decade.
I’m not shocked that Buick is improving reliability. The 79-81 Regal was one of the most reliable American cars for nearly a decade.
Any survey that ranks Audi above Honda in reliability is ridiculously flawed. I don’t know why Subaru dropped (Starlink?), but that is more believable to me than Honda (and I own 3 Subarus that have never broken down).
The meet-my-price-or-I’ll-walk tactic rarely works for the buyer when the demand for the vehicle exceeds supply. The dealers will sit on the car until someone pays the price they want. I did the tour of all the dealers in my area last time I was buying a WRX/STI, and nobody was interested in listening to a word…
“edge rusher” ... Edgecrusher?
I have driven a WRX for 13 years, and the initial purchase was simply based on $$/Power + AWD. I now own 2 WRXs and an Outback. I was very happy to see Ford building the Focus RS, and I welcome all future AWD competition. However, I have no desire to own any of the RWD performance cars. The Fiesta and Focus STs are…
It probably exists within 10-15% differential, and the housing will most likely be a much steeper comparative decrease. I can easily work in the mid-west for ~10% less pay, but buy a nicer house for half the price of my home near Portland, OR.
You can afford both a house and a $25k car on $80K. You just have to live where the housing is affordable. A decade ago, I bought a house and a new car while making $60k in Kansas. Two years later, I moved to Portland, OR @$75K and managed to buy a condo while keeping the car and still saving $1K per month into…
Ecstasy of Gold may be more well known, but I believe Man with a Harmonica is the pinnacle of Morricone’s talent.
Years ago, I worked with a Ukrainian man named Sergei. He once said to me “if we were back in the Ukraine, I would smear you across the wall”. I must assume this vehicle is intended to facilitate the smearing of walls with people. Sergei, you’ll be hearing from HR about this.
I haven’t heard (or don’t remember) anything bad about him as a person, but I’ve certainly heard plenty of people speak ill of his film-making skills.
This aggression will not stand, man.
Short is a subjective term, but I do believe 5'6" is well below average in most people’s minds.
The only appropriately objective stance here is to admit ignorance of the events and await discovery of further facts. There are many irrelevant responses to the OP, but yours is easily the weakest argument present.
I don’t know Top Critics, but he or she sounds terrible.
I don’t know who is regarding Man of Thai Chi highly, but they must have seen a different version than I did. I would rank some of Scot Adkins straight-to-video movies over Man of Thai Chi, and Scott Adkins hasn’t made a good movie (yet? we’ll see).
This is just as much an assumption as anything stated in the article or other commentary.
Did you mean Baja?
Yes, make sure your kids see you commit the assault. That way they know what to do when they grow up.
I own a 2016 WRX. The trunk space is extremely generous. Are you comparing it to a 1965 Dodge Polara?
This isn’t hard rock. I don’t think it is even an outlier as a pop song. If no one had heard Lady Gaga before, they wouldn’t even be talking about this song.