It’s like me winning the Kentucky Derby as a jockey. It’s technically possible, but it aint gonna happen.
It’s like me winning the Kentucky Derby as a jockey. It’s technically possible, but it aint gonna happen.
Watch the whole thing here.
This needed to be referenced here. This post is worthy of Jehovah.
Another sad case of auto-eroticism.
Poker has been dragged down into the gutter by all those people who gamble on MLB, NFL, and NBA games. To think that something so unworldly and unspoiled could be led down such a sorry road...
I don’t think that the chair tilts that way.
And on the Mac...
We were rolling up characters for Bushido, a fantasy role-playing game set in feudal Japan. Two real-life brothers were playing. One rolled-up a wealthy itinerant merchant, so wealthy that he started with a pack-horse. The other rolled up a dirt-poor ronin samurai. As the company was about to set out, the samurai…
Property trumps lives, every time. (Choice of verb deliberate.)
Maybe not on spunk...
Archer’s flashbacks to the war made it obvious that it was post-1945.
Who says that she’s giving him GOOD advice?
The Senate member’s members
Mostly, we had no.
Old school politicians have a hell of a lot more in common with each other than they do with their parties’ values or with voters. They will always look after each other. Remember how much the Clintons hung out with the Bushes? Multimillionaires having a blast together. This cynical viewpoint breaks down a little bit…
That’s why we have to keep shaking up the mix.
Soon enough. The aristocracy, old or new, rarely sees them coming. So instead of any kind of stable transition to a more equitable society, it’s going to come with violence and chaos.