Maybe that’s why they’re taking cities from other people.
Maybe that’s why they’re taking cities from other people.
PC release IS labeled as a beta. Also, and not helpfully, it runs fine on my PC laptop. I hope that they fix the glitches impacting you.
Metropolis itself was named after its founder, Ezekiel Metro.
It’s a good question. It requires students to be able to discern the differences between pure evil and idiocy.
I aspire to be Emperor of the Universe. So I can rob a bank, right?
Lizzy Wizzy’s breakups have sometimes gone worse...
This is what happens when you replace missing gene sequences with frog DNA.
I thought it was when all of those Japanese tourists flew over Pearl Harbor, and the FBI blew up American warships beneath them...
This lawsuit looks to replicate my experience suing Chevron for not adequately warning that their motor oil was not for use as a salad dressing.
Also, Dominion will need the money. Their business HAS been impacted by Giuliani and Powell’s claims. Can you imagine choosing what voting machines your state will use going forward and NOT considering that 40% of your electorate believes on a cellular level that Dominion voting machines are “rigged?” Why would you…
It’s always amazed me that people who are so afraid of being tracked carry around always-on smart phones.
Original release date was in April, no? It’s just frustration that the goal posts keep moving. Plus, I was planning to escape into the game to avoid the inevitable post-election turmoil here in the US.
Plus, they won’t get off my lawn! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go yell at a cloud.
Unless the election gets resolved in the Supreme Court, like in 2000. But this year, that’s unlikely to happen. Unless, you know, the incumbent wages a continuous campaign to delegitimize the election, which would never happen... oh, uh... hmmm.