
I would disagree (though I don’t want to start a debate). We really have just one source: GMark, that says he existed. All the other gospels copy the narrative from it. We can’t be sure the Q sayings gospel is from Jesus, because the messages in it are different than the messages in the historical narrative. It could

I’m an atheist, but completely fascinated with Jesus as a historical figure (even if “Jesus” never did exist). The Last Temptation of Christ is one of my all-time favorite movies.

I don’t understand why this one doesn’t get more love, particularly for the Michael Richards role.

“Looks like you got some sort of alternate universe in there or something.”

The BEST story about where he went, though. His wife died, and without hesitation he gave up his career to take care of their kids. It’s horrible that she died, and even more horrible that someone putting his children before something as trivial as being in movies is so laudable, but his vanishing act was his own

One that I actually was starting to believe in during the 2008 election was that Sarah Palin’s then newborn son was actually the child of her daughter and they were passing it off as hers to avoid a scandal.

As a Denver resident, I’d have to say all the wonderful, kooky conspiracies surrounding the airport.

The most annoying case of this for me was the Subway dough conditioner (azodicarbonamide) incident. “It’s used to make foam yoga mats! Yucky!”

But, Dihydrogen Monoxide is deadly in certain amounts! Shouldn’t I worry about that?

I felt that Season 7 of TNG was weaker than 3-6 had been. You could sort of tell that they were running out of steam and maybe a little burnt out.

Exactly. Enterprise ended with the absolute worst hour of Star Trek ever.

I love that Burn Notice is always the answer for every one of these topics. What a great show that started out perfect, got really bad, and then ended kinda well sorta.

And the one by Neil Gaiman with Penn and Teller

I got it! The show that really went downhill for me was Burn Notice. Matt Nix had to go make it all about butthole CIA agents scheming things, rather than making Michael accept that it’s okay to be a guy helping people in Miami while driving around in his cool car. Michael just kept getting worse and worse, while the

But Enterprise ended with “These Are The Voyages”, which was NOT a high note.

Even though their stated motives for their beliefs are true, so is this: Iron Man is a fascist, and Captain America is fighting for his right to illegally beat people up. Period. The comic saga is supposed to be about heroes fighting each other, but to set up the conflict is has turned them both into villains. This

I doubt it’ll be like the comic. I also sincerely hope it will not be like the comic because the comic was terrible.

A Falcon/Ant-Man teamup movie could be pretty good.