
Star Trek was fine, I guess? I mean, it isn’t the worst of the newTrek movies but it was a Star Trek movie that seemed to forget several times that they have transporters and felt the need to use Sabotage (again) so it’s a tossup.

The problem with debates is that the fact checking always seems to occur two hours later, when nobody is watching. I don’t understand why they can’t have a dozen people with ipads sitting behind the moderator passing them notes in real time.

No, they like it that he “tells it like it is”! It’s proof he’s not part of the political machine. (Or so I have been told, anyway.)

This is what is going to happen at the debates (assuming he doesn’t weasel out of them, like he’s been trying to do):

It a sad fact of life that there are some complete idiots out there making more money than I’ll ever see in my lifetime.

It’s a comic-book movie. <shrug>

You should care about box office because movie companies exist to make money, not to make good movies.

Mary Roach is a national treasure.

They can’t remember “ordinary” tech they have, much less the special stuff they invented last movie! I think they could have used transporters three or four times during the movie to solve problems.

There was one line that was basically “there’s some alien tech that can make me immortal.” So I guess he was able to figure that out, like you do when you’re stick on an alien planet.

Agreed. I never got what everyone saw in those trailers. My attitude was “okay, that looks somewhat less bad than Man of Steel and BvS I suppose...”

I know, right? The trailers looked so meh, and every time I saw a picture of Jared Leto, I thought “oh Christ, not this guy again...”

Yeah, this.

The Dirty Dozen, The Magnificent Seven, The Great Escape, Kelly’s Heroes, The Longest Day...

and an appropriately bananas plot THAT I TOTALLY GUESSED AFTER THE FIRST TRAILER

Since Suicide Squad is currently at 34% on Rotten Tomatoes, if there’s a conspiracy it’s a pretty big one.

He may be right this time — it’s currently at 34% on Rotten Tomatoes.

It could theoretically happen. Hey, even a stopped clock is right twice a day, right?

Oh, yes. I am so tired of origin stories at this point. I wish we’d start skipping them and just moving on.

She panders to the anti-vax crowd quite a bit in that Reddit AMA with her “I sure can see why people have questions” (not even counting the half-truths in her statements which others have dissected better than I could).