
That’s always been my argument for any doomsday scenario. Honestly, if society as we know it is done for and it’s not a matter of just evacuating my specific town and going on with life...just kill me anyway. I'm not equipped to survive with electricity, running water, etc.

I take offense to “even behind Romero’s” because it implies his Joker wasn’t brilliant.

EVERYONE cares about the box office, or ought to. Hollywood makes what sells, and as long as crap sells, they’ll keep making it.

Bad movies making money encourages more bad movies. EG: Transformers 9, or whichever one they are on now.

It’s really fucking bad.

White men getting offended over other people getting offended is the most pussy shit of all. Just fucking get over it.

Old Man Yells at Chair

I’d almost have more respect for the racist crowd if they’d just own the fact that they’re racist. Instead, they want to “pussy” out, to channel Clint, and pretend that what they’re doing and saying isn’t wrong.

Mary Roach is THE BEST. She’s at or near the top of the list of well-known people I’d want to hang out with for a day.

I LOVE Mary Roach! This made me so excited.

Let me you ask you something? Did one fucking WB exec actually pick up a fucking comic book and actually try to read it, before dumping massive amounts of money into multiple DC projects, so he can have at least a modicum of understanding what these characters are about?

The Lego movies are literally the only thing I want to see on this list.

Personally, I’m beyond excited for the Lego Batman Movie.

The trailers were god-awful. Not that I was really in the mood to see another dark and gritty superhero tale, but if you’re going to muck around in a director’s work, at least make it good.

io9 is total Marvel fanboys, man. They crap all over DC and it’s a conspiracy.

And nobody was surprised.

Only if Viola Davis (or CCH Pounder, or Angela Basset) plays Waller instead of that boring-lame 20-year old beanpole they had playing her on Arrow before.

So now I don’t have to look at Jared Leto anymore. Please?

Three observations/thoughts:

it’s about a motley crew of supervillains set in the DC universe