
I like Sanders himself, but yeah. His campaign has been a real eye-opener for how not to be an activist. Be inspired all you like, but if you don’t sit down, educate yourself on the process, and thoroughly plan, you’re not an activist, you’re a pep rally attendee. It’s been an education for me. If I want to do

Yeah, she’s a real moderate Republican:

I was happy to vote for Sanders back in March, but if I’d been voting yesterday I would’ve grumpily voted for Clinton because ENOUGH. It’s honestly sad to see this happening to him. I understand it’s hard to quit when small donors are still sending you tens of millions of dollars. But the smart Big Picture thing to do

And don’t forget he’s done jack in 30 years in Washington.

Oh, yeah. I remember thinking, “Oh, wow, I think I’m actually going to vote for Bernie Sanders for POTUS” And then, drip, drip, drip. Being involved with Cornel West, having no interest in meeting actual voters in intimate settings, his failure to condemn attacks by his supporters on Civil Rights icons because they

Even Bernie has been, to some degree, a disaster with him recently admitting in that incredibly bad NYDN article that he doesn’t, in fact, have any policy shapen around “taking down the big banks and wall st.” From the bottom-up and top-down, they need a crash course. I got no hte for Bernie, but he just seems

Are you me? Because this is EXACTLY how I feel. Sanders appealed to me early on too, until it started to become clear that he doesn't have a great handle on how he's going to enact all these changes he's proposing, and his supporters are so ridiculously ill-informed. If I see another half-baked Sanders meme on my FB

The lack of organizing has been the death of the Sanders campaign. They put all their money into huge rallies, TV ads, and internet presence. They trained no one. His supporters do not understand the process, so they’re all ready to believe whatever ridiculous conspiracy theory or imaginary delegate math scenarios

Also, Clinton won the NV primary election. Nothing was being stolen from these people. Blame the Sanders ground game for not having its delegates be prepared and follow the rules.

Darwyn Cooke was one of the people who wrestled comicdom’s reins out of the band’s of “Grim and Gritty”, and said “No!” He was one of the folks who remembered that comics are supposed to be fun and spent his short life working to make it so.

Americans don’t really know palliative medicine because most will never be able to afford it even if necessary.

Honestly, it was poor reporting on the part of the media outlets for not defining “palliative,” people can’t be expected to look it up themselves. All my journalism instructors stated that articles are to be written so the lowest common denominator can understand them.

No, honestly I don’t think Americans do know what ‘palliative’ or ‘hospice’ means. We have a bad relationship with death and dying.

I am sorry but this is just a gripe...every single outlet reported he was being treated for cancer...my FB feed was filled with people hoping he’d pull through...does nobody know what palliative means? The message you, and everyone else, reported translated to “Was treated for cancer, is now in end of life care”.


Working in a comic shop on Free Comic Book Day suuuuucks. But there a couple of things that you- yes you!- can keep in mind to be an Excellent Person.

Another right wing ideologue whose only redeeming quality is having a less punchable face than Ted Cruz. People only assumed he was moderate because he didn’t come off as abrasively crazy as the rest of the field. Get fucked, indeed, John Kasich.

Now playing

Reasonable my ass: here he is acting like a pouty toddler when confronted in his stance of disallowing rape crisis counselors from telling rape victims they are allowed to have abortions. There’s nothing moderate, adult, or redeeming about this vile, dishonest cretin.

People forget this, but he’s also currently a U.S. Senator.

The entirety of the GOP primary has been one big, collective “Fuck You” to the Republican Party and yet I’ve encountered so many people across Gawker Media that somehow think this gives them an edge in the general election. Baffling...

My first exposure to that one is the Terran Academy in Star Craft. It took me a while to realize it was my own building making that noise, and not an attacking Zerg.