
If World War Z and Age of Extinction are supposed to be the highlights of what they are losing, they aren’t losing very much...

Note: This is the SAME bullshit “Rich Dad Poor Dad” pimp, Robert Kiyosaki does.

Seems like Fraternities around the US will not rest until they are all disbanded and no longer allowed to exist. That is perfectly fine with me.

I work in finance and the “pay cash for everything” people really are hurting themselves. You have to look at opportunity cost and other factors before making that decision.

If the damn monsters are real again, this will not be the way it should be.

Mystery Incorporated was really good. It was kind of like a Lovecraftian take on Scooby Doo.

I’m too old to think that being in my 20s is old.

The initial driving force of the game is increasing population to unlock building types, and that’s fun for what it is, but after you access to the last buildling (which happens at 100 dwellers), the only driving force is filling out the armor, weapon, and unique dweller collectible lists - and it sucks for that.

Too old to read these comments about how everyone is “too old” in their early fucking twenties.

Again and again and again... Dark and gritty is fine, even preferred, if it suits the material.

The one constant in Fox’s handling of the Fantastic Four franchise has been a sense of absolute contempt for the material. Fox doesn’t really want Fantastic Four, but they don’t want to waste the rights they paid for. They tried making a kiddie film out of it, but people didn’t like it that much, so they went to the

Do you plan to make a spoiler heavy post to vent your rage Charlie? I have no intentions of going to see this movie but still want to know everything they did wrong :p

Two reasons I knew it was going to suck:

Krauthammer who is studied and intelligent... If that is what passes for studied and intelligent for you... No wonder no one has engaged you.

The conservative ability to turn literally anything into a self-congratulatory pat on the back...sometimes it’s just fucking incredible to behold.

If The Daily Show had any effect on our actual political culture, it was probably to the benefit of conservatives. In its absence, many young liberals might have confronted the George W. Bush years and engaged in actual political projects, like the campus left of the 1960s.

Don’t think that was aimed at kids?

For your consideration: “God’s Man”, 1929 by Lynd Ward. A Faustian story of an artist’s deal with the devil. It’s a precursor to modern comics and graphic novels done in masterful woodcuts, and it’s in a tradition of moral teaching stories from the early part of the 20th century. Ward was a direct influence on