
How dare they quote actual words she said!

Unless you’re talking about the “let the free markets decide everything” Ayn Rand-style Libertarians.

Between Stein and Ben Carson, this election cycle has really blown the lid off that whole “doctors are smart” thing.

JMS said if Crusade hadn’t been cancelled they would have found the cure in season 2 and moved on to Other Things.

So if the sexual harasser is in your political party, it’s NBD. Got it.

The way I’ve read it, those three are basically coming back for cameos, not for the whole thing.

You’re describing my attitude toward the show exactly — loves S1, S2 got worse and I really didn’t care for S3 and the movie.

Truth. Brave and the Bold was the show that made me love Aquaman.

It’s like Paul Ryan. It was okay when his mother had to get public assistance because you see, they were good people. All the people that use it now, not so much.

I’m assuming we’re supposed to gloss over and forget the whole “Dirk Anger/H.A.T.E.” as a parody of Nick Fury and SHIELD.

He can take credit for other people’s stuff for generations!

This stuff is getting so crazy I can only believe that they’re trolling on purpose so that when they draw fire for whatever the outrage of the day is (the salute, Melania’s plagarism, and so on) they be all “those oversensitive politically correct liberals are out to get us!” (Conveniently ignoring their attitudes of

For a party that constantly claims moral superiority, the GOP sure goes with the “oh yeah? well, they did it too” defense a lot.

...and because as nerds, we’re all required to love Samuel L. Jackson for some reason.

We lose Prince and Bowie, and get this election instead.

That and apparently it’s the law Wolverine has to be in everything.

Third alternative: Don’t kill heroes off. Seemed to work for decades of comics until the eighties came around.

That sounds suspiciously like the job of an “editor.”

Wrong on many counts. You’ve either got Woz confused with Jobs or you’re attempting to troll.

as one of the few Fox talking heads capable of moving sideways into a rival networks primetime slot...