
I was going to say “flight attendant on a 70s era space shuttle” but you beat me to it.

I don’t know — she seems to have no problem letting people know when she feels she isn’t being treated well.

They’d probably have to cut a scene of wacky hi-jinks to make room for it. Not gonna happen.

TV is a funny thing, isn’t it? If you told me they’re going to need like seven feature length movies I’d say that sounds like a lot but fourteen hour-long episodes seems way too short.

There are probably six brewpubs in my town that host “running clubs.” Usually a 5k or so on a scheduled day of the week but you start whenever you want. As an added bonus, several of them give you a shirt (free!) after finishing a small number of runs. Naturally, they hope you stay and drink, but I never do. So

You forgot the part where you wonder how people can roll a four eighteen times in a row.

I think that restaurants should offer small burritos, as an alternative to ones that are the size of tanker trucks.

It explains a lot about Gawker Media, doesn’t it?

Aw, you beat me to it.

The changes have been so incremental lately that aside from a microSD slot, I could keep my current iphone for the forseeable future.

Agreed. Origin stories are tedious so I say get rid of them. I know a lot of people didn’t like the Hulk movie but I thought it was brilliant they ditched the origin to recap it during the opening credits. That’s about 45 minutes saved. I really don’t need to see an origin of the Flash that lasts longer than five

I guess I always figured Rowling pulled those numbers out of the air without actually thinking about the repercussions. I mean, Hogwarts only seems to have like seven teachers at any given time so how do they teach a thousand students? It’s not like in a high school with a student body of a thousand you’re only going

Deaths in superhero movies and comics is ridiculous because we all know they’re not permanent. It’s hard to be emotionally impacted by something like a death in a movie when you know they’ll bring them back as soon as they decide it’s worth it (in the first avengers movie, Coulson’s death looks foolish now)

judge Wapner would be disappointed.

I hope they expand it beyond the “sampler” model, more like Marvel Unlimited. Honestly, if there were three services like MU, one for Marvel, one DC, and one indie, I’d subscribe to all three. (Thirty bucks a month sounds spendy, but it’s cheaper than two graphic novels)

It looks like my lie-berry doesn’t do Hoopla but they have something called Comics Plus so I may try that out.

Please, explain exactly how a Trump presidency is preferable to a Clinton one. I’d really, really like to know.

It’s not like Bernie “America’s Cranky Old Hippie Grandpa” Sanders is all that affable.

The real number is somewhere between 48/52%.

Oil money is on the other side. It was going to be political.