
I’m sure Brooks would add that she’d be prettier if she smiled more.

I can’t help but notice the “have a beer with” requirement isn’t important for anything but the highest elected office in the United States. You wouldn’t pick a plumber based on that but it’s okay for POTUS.

I’m sure that’s the voters’ thought process: “I don’t know, I’m just not sure if she enjoys golf.”

I love all the criteria we use to see who should be President that has nothing to do with the job. I don’t really care if I’d sit down and have a beer with a candidate to vote for them either, as if that matters at all.

Indeed. When a Bernie supporter tells me “if Bernie doesn’t get it I’m voting for Trump” I cannot understand them at all. That’s like looking at a buffet table and deciding that if they’re out of pizza, you’re just going to lick the carpet instead.

Does anyone besides “media people” give a crap about Yahoo? Every time I see something about her, my first thought is “oh yeah - Yahoo must still exist.”

Throw Nemesis in there as well.

...or laid off.

Yeah, in my experience, business like that want to to be family but that loyalty only goes one way.

That would be in my Top Ten Career Tips, that’s for sure.

Blame the parents that couldn’t come up with original names.

The last headphones I bought had a sort of rubberized cable that stuck to the back of my shirt collar every time I turned by head. How are these?

The last headphones I bought had a sort of rubberized cable that stuck to the back of my shirt collar every time I

It would be better if their vaunted tech worked as well.

Yeah, don’t worry — she’ll be fine. She might never be able to work again but I bet she has enough cash so that won’t be that big a deal.

HR doesn’t work for you. It doesn’t exist to protect your interests. It exists to protect the interests of the company. Never forget that.

...or HR will just think “yeah, whatever” and put another piece of paper in your file.

In my experience it’s not super common unless you’re a bigwig.

That’s it. Be nice, say everything was fine but you wanted to pursue other opportunities.

My hot take on it is if a company actually cared about fixing issues that make employees quit, they’d do something before people quit. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything actually “fixed” as a result of the exit interview. It’s just the last piece of paper they put in your file when you leave. Exit interviews are

This. Exit interviews are for the company to make themselves feel good and to make sure there isn’t some sort of lawsuit coming. The company isn’t going to have some moment of clarity because you quit and change how it does everything just because you pointed out all its faults in an exit interview.