
Several thoughts:

I somehow live in a college town that doesn’t have a single not-used bookstore (chain or independent). I don’t even know how that happen...

Even sadder is the idea that Paltrow, Tyler, and Portman are considered “female leads” in those movies when they’re little more than featured extras most of the time.

I literally forgot she was supposed to be a scientist in both movies.

Agreed on the “buy something” thing. I always try to pick up something extra when I go.

Part of me wishes that there had been more specific things that would have put to bed the idea he is in any way a “reasonable” Republican because he isn’t. Not in any way.

Eisenhower was the guy that tried to warn us of the rise of the “military industrial complex” (a term first used in his farewell address).

The fact that Kasich was able to position himself as “reasonable” has everything to do with the fact that he kept his mouth stuffed full on sandwiches throughout the campaign.

At this point, if I never hear a Wilhelm in a movie ever again that would be just fine.

She rightsized them but good, didn’t she?

I’m shocked when people don’t realize this election has been a totally lost cause for the GOP since day one.

It’s weird that a guy that’s served in the Bush administration, was Texas Solicitor general, and a Senator can position himself as an “outsider.”

You forgot that Carly dropped a ton of money to lose a Senate race in CA as well.

In a universe where we have inter-species “relationships” not uncommon...

I knew I was going to forget one. Thanks.

Spielberg sounds really clueless here.

Westerns gave us everything from High Noon to The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly to Unforgiven to Jeremiah Johnson. There’s a wider spectrum in there than superhero movies have given us so far.

Not unpopular. I’ve hated most of the DCU’s costumes for a while.

I like that they got rid of all the armor lines and high collars. It was weird that it looked like everyone in the DCU used the same tailor.

They still can’t make her not look like a Juggalo though.