
But he isn’t killing anyone in that picture.

Seriously? Because the ancient Greeks wrote about Atlantis because it was on the opposite side of the Earth from them?

You are the wrongedest wronger that ever wronged.

He actually played like three or four different parts.

Pleased to see greeting cards and giftwrap on the list. I don’t buy cards and wrap anywhere else. You can spend a lot of money on something people literally throw out immediately.

Dollar Tree is s dollar store here (although not Family Dollar)

Not to sound insensitive, but this was my take on it too.

Oh, the list goes on and on. You’ve also got Michele Bachmann, who has never had a private sector job in her life but has gotten close to $200K in government subsidies for her husband’s “pray the gay away” counseling business.

Good job at not getting his point.

To misquote a line from MST3K, “that’s like saying you’re really good at eating cereal.”

I’m not sure if that differentiates him from most politicians or rich people. Most wealthy people seem to believe rules don’t apply to them (and in many cases, don’t).

A lot of conservatives I know get really pissed off when they believe Someone Else Is Getting Something For Free. Never mind that it’s something they already have (like healthcare or education), the fact that there’s someone out there getting some sort of handout just pisses them off.

There’s not much in the way of science backing any of this...

I know people that went to St John’s. Even 20+ years later they literally will not shut up about it.

Thank you for pointing out that Civil War was kind of terrible. I’m assuming that the movie will be good because, well, MCU.

His reluctance to resolve any plotlines always bugged me. Especially when he kept starting new ones.

It would need eviscerating. And that’s from someone whose copies of WoT are heavily worn.

Well, I’m just sitting here trimming my nails with a dagger.

You heard right. I’d also add that each book could easily be roughly 300 pages shorter with no ill effects.

I gave up on the series (Book eight, maybe? Don’t remember.) when I realized I just read 700 pages of traveling back and forth and missed connections.