
Are you admiring the turn of some man’s ankle?

It’s hard to believe some of those books were edited in any fashion.

Do you like reading 700+ page books where virtually nothing happens? Do you like books where the author tries to see how many plotlines he can keep going simultaneously? Do you enjoy terrible depictions of female characters? Wheel of Time may be for you!

A Fafhrd and Grey Mouser show would be amazing.

I’ve said it elsewhere, but I’ve never understood the mental leap some people take from “I don’t like this art” to “this art is objectively garbage and everyone that likes it is fooling themselves.” Obviously quite a few people like it so maybe you could either give them a tiny bit of credit or maybe even try to see

As a frequent critic of Sploid, I actually think is one of his better posts. It took a bit more thought than the usual “Here’s a video of taffy being made. Bye!”

There is actually film of him doing drip paintings. Watch those and tell me he is “so drunk he can’t really paint anymore.”

I don’t think many people realize that making an abstract piece that doesn’t look like garbage (or the kind of “art” you see in a hotel lobby) is really hard. If you think Pollock’s stuff is bad, just look at a bunch of people trying to be Pollock.

+1 on seeing Pollock in person. A tiny reproduction in a book or on a screen isn’t the same.

When people look at art and say “I could do that” I always want to tell them to go ahead and try. Not to be a jerk or anything, but because messing around with paint and pencils is fun. You may make something that looks cool, you may make a piece of garbage. But you tried something and how is that bad? You may learn

I’m always confused by the reaction of “that’s not art.” It is art, that’s already been decided. Your decision as an individual is whether it speaks to you or not.

I would add a third to that:

That sounds like a Kickstarter waiting to happen.

I would live to see people who look at abstract art and say “I could do that” give it a try. Abstract art is really, really hard — harder to pull off than realistic art in my opinion.

If you haven’t you should read the book The $12 Million Stuffed Shark.

Part of the thing with a lot of art like Pollock’s is you have to see them in person. Seeing a 2" by 3" reproduction on a computer screen isn’t the same.

Aw, you beat me to it.

Most of Daredevil S1 was about how the events of the Avengers movie trashed Hell’s Kitchen.

One day people will understand leaving a bit of a mystery is interesting.

Do you just drink the concentrated Aeropress coffee without adding more hot water or something?