
Sports, exciting and new...

I enjoy watching the IOC pretending Olympic cities are chosen by other means than massive bribery.

The “sportcoat that is two inches too short” is a great look for them. Are they from the Australasian version of Hogwarts?

One theory states that in the months before her “accident,” Miley leaked nudes, smoked salvia, and wrote in a song that she was “hot.” Which is to say, Miley Cyrus had become a national disgrace.

Of course it did, and of course it won’t.

Artisinal Pesto Crackers and Progressive Banjo Elementary

In other news, Bernie Sanders Elementary School only got one vote but would win in a run-off between that and Trump Elementary.

Not sure if serious...

That’s not a bad idea, but the idea that I’m going to save them, make an ebay listing, and ship them...forget it.

Oh, I’m not disagreeing with you but it happens ALL THE TIME

Oh, I don’t know — just wait until “Evil Week,” where they’ll probably suggest stealing books from the library to save money or something.

Welcome to the world of proprietary software.

Related: your time is worth something, too.

And is there a reason I’m not seeing Squirrel Girl on this list?

I love that mug. I use one every day.

I love that mug. I use one every day.

When I needed ties for work, that’s the first place I headed. Full price for ties is ridiculous.

It’s Sploid. That’s what they do.

Sploid has never understood what an “Easter egg” is just as they have never understood what a “spoiler” is.

Agreed. Even though they aren’t exact canon, the Marvel movies get why people like Iron Man or Cap. Zach Snyder (either in Watchmen or BvS) didn’t.

It’s like when they use rock songs for their campaign and the artists threaten to sue. I love that. (It’s like copyrights don’t apply to them or something)