
Baron Ulysses Tantamount von Braggart

Unless you can purchase flash frozen fruits which I am not aware of...

That’s like saying “soup is bad for you.” Depends what’s in it.

The next time a comics company makes A Big Change The Will Shake Everything Up Forever we really need to start a betting pool on how long it will take to change back. (Seriously, did anyone believe they weren’t going to give Steve Rogers the title again? I imagine the next big thing will be Sam heroically taking up

Well, that sort of thinking fixed education and politics, so why not classical music?

Wow, articles like this sure bring out the old crank in me. Thank goodness there will be one less area people will have to actually experience something without a screen in front of their faces. I mean, why spend a lot of money to go to a symphony if it doesn’t replicate the experience of browsing the Wikipedia entry

You could always read the program the usher hands you when you go in...

That was the movie that made you ask “why have such a big crew if you can pilot the ship with a joystick?”

Actually, it’s “69-year-old Englishmen in show business die of cancer in threes.”

Republicans, like psychopaths, often display a complete inability to show empathy with others.

I think Trump (a guy that went bankrupt owning casinos) would be a great choice in this case.

That’s actually typical for big authors: publishers are perpetually afraid their biggest people will take their toys and go elsewhere so as they get more popular, the editors back off more.

Based on what I know of the publishing industry (and reading GRRM’s books), I doubt a lot of editing is being done on these books. Big name authors don’t get as much editing as new guys because the publishing houses are always afraid they’ll jump ship.

Many of my issues with the movie can be explained by bad editing. It was one of those films that felt like there’s about 45 minutes of exposition that got left on the cutting room floor and they decided not not go back and add clarifying scenes.

I always floss first (well, when I do) because my dental hygenist told me to do it that way.

It worked wonders for Marco Rubio and Bobby Jindal.

which is about half of what you’d pay at GNC...

which is about half of what you’d pay at GNC...

I’m just going to ask: what are you people doing with your clothes? When you wash them, are you scrubbing them on rocks down by the river?

Many of Lifehacker’s articles seem to be skewed toward people that live in NYC and work on their laptops from home all day.

I seem to have lost my ability to star people (along with being sent back into the greys) but both of those movies are sooo good. Watched both of them again over Halloween.