
That movie is so damn fun.

Captain Kronos was one of the movies we re-watched during our annual Halloween Hammer Fest. It’s still awesome.

I loved The House That Dripped Blood. That thing was the best.

I always loved when they re-used sets, like the Barvarian-ish tavern that shows up in like a half-dozen movies.

I was disappointed that Frank seemed to get super incompetent in S3.

If Kinja would let me star you, I would.

You should probably mention several of those blu-rays you linked to are Region 2 only.

Is it slightly less of a memory hog?

Came for the Black Mirror reference and was not disappointed. Since I can’t seem to star anyone anymore this will have to do.

If you’re fast traveling through a Bethedsa title, you’re missing half the game.

Joel said he offered it to everyone but only a few said yes to it. The Rifftrax guys are so busy with their own stuff I sort of doubted it was going to happen anyway.

The rights to movies like those would cost a fortune.

I never understood how people that weren’t in that certain age bracket enjoyed it at all.

Did you ever do one of these lists for board and card games? A lot of fail there.

Why is is whenever the media goes totally overboard with something there are inevitable articles from them about “is the public’s obsession with x too much”? As if it’s somehow my fault that you chose to cover (Donald Trump/missing airplanes/OJ Simpson/JonBenet Ramsay/whatever) 24/7.

This is the problem with Kickstarter games, that if you found out about it too late (or if maybe you don’t want to buy into a $75-100 game sight unseen) you’re never getting those extras. I do like the way CMoN did Zombicide so that you can use the characters even if you’re not getting those minis.

Well, it’s a licensed property so I totally believe it’s Cryptozoic. (And if nothing else, the player dashboards liike like they’re from someone’s fanmade Zombicide remake)

I have nothing to add except we started on Pandemic Legacy this weekend and it blew my goddamn mind. We only finished February and it’s ranking as one of my best gaming experiences ever.

Yup. I looked at this and thought, “Oh, I already have this exact game in a better version.”

You mean how the player mats look like a total ripoff of the Zombicide mats?