
Don’t forget that Hitler shoots blue lightning out of his hands.

Agreed, it is not. However, Bourdain comes off as one of those guys that spends way more time griping about everyone else instead of doing stuff on his own.

Flay used to come off as a jerk, but he seems to have mellowed out in the past few years.

I’m sure not a fan, but I think Guy’s too busy making money to care what Mr. Bad Boy of Cooking thinks.

I like Alton Brown’s work, but that dude has a ton of issues. It’s a good thing he doesn’t do a lot of interviews.

He seems like one of those guys that isn’t happy unless he’s complaining about somebody or someone.

I don’t like him as a person or host, but he does bring attention to places you can actually go to, unlike Bourdain (“I just went to the greatest roadside cart in northeast Thailand.”)

Has Bourdain ever had a cooking show? I don’t think so.

Team No One here as well. Not a fan of either.

I want to believe that Trump and Carson are trying as hard as they can to lose poll numbers. In my mind, they both got into this to move some books and raise some PAC money but everything just got out of control and they’re just trying to say the craziest shit they can so they can bow out and let Jeb! get the

Phantom Menace lacks humor.

I came here for the Ben Carson joke and was not disappointed.

Did they ever to an unabridged version? My only problem with the audio book was that it wan’t the whole thing.

A general question: so how does one get the Stephen Fry audiobooks legally and without having to sell a kidney?

Yeah, that’s a little scary. It just felt weird when all the voices in the seats were “wrong” in the video.

I was neither, so no.

I’m glad I’m not alone in not liking CT. Personally, I thought they had too many riffers onstage and their movies were just painful to watch.

Doubt it, the two camps rarely seem to work together — the Joel group with CT and the Mike group with Film Crew/Rifftrax although there are rare exceptions (Mary Jo has done a few RiffTrax eps)

Oh, at least.
