
I agree, and I think it’s because everybody thinks they need an arc nowadays and they basically make it up as they go along. Eventually they seem to run out of ideas. I wish we could follow the British model more closely with shorter seasons and shows that have a definite end.

I agree. I’m sure that most people that start shows like that are so shocked that it gets picked up that they don’t know what to do with themselves.

Agreed. There is way too much good TV to waste time plowing through lousy TV “in case it gets good.” The idea that viewers are expected to hang on for a season or two and then things will really start clicking into place might have worked when there were a handful of networks not now now.

I think this was part of the curriculum they jettisoned in favor of You Are So Very, Very Special.

Damn it, I’m giving out full bars next year. It’s not like we get that many kids and I want to be one of those houses kids talk about with hushed awe.

We don’t live in a neighborhood with lots of lids — this year we had like 20 which is an all time high. We’ve had years with maybe four.


Get some people in teddy bear costumes and a giant hamster ball and you’ve got something!

Seeing that this is Fry’s final season as host, he can come over here and start over. Sure, that would happen.

I’ve never understood why BBC America can show hours of Star Trek every day but no QI.

Best chance to snoop around the Criuse masion you’re ever gonna get.

If you haven’t yet, read Going Clear. A-list celebs in the church (esp. Cruise, but also people like Will Smith and Travolta) get shielded from all the harsh stuff.

As much as I think Cruise is a grade-A weirdo, I’d totally be up fir this. (Bonus: you get to snoop around Tom Cruise’s house “looking for a good place to hide”)

I’m willing to bet there were some NDAs signed to prevent that.

Given Scientology’s love of suing people, I can see why 20/20 wouldn’t want to push it too hard.

Having legions of people protect you from anything negative for virtually your whole life tends to stunt your emotional maturity a bit.

I’m sure a lot of people are watching this as a joke but with those kind of numbers, there must be loads of people that are sincerely enjoying it (myself included). Plus, this sort of buzz about any sort of art can’t be bad.

I’ve been watching for a half hour. I think he’s some sort of wizard.

Blue is the Velmaest Color

Super appropriate due to Twitch TV, but I bought a brown afro wig and am going as Bob Ross. Happy little trees...