
I always look forward to the GWAR’s turn at AV Undercover, it’s a nice break from the endless parade of hipster bands they get.

Harrison Ford always seems like he doesn’t give a shit about anything.

At the store I worked at people would put bricks in the box, seal it up, and try to return those. Maybe you could do that too.

Not everywhere, but it’s a thing. A store I worked at got tired of “free rentals” for big screen TVs (plus free delivery, naturally) around Super Bowl time so they started adding a restocking fee and unsurprisingly we got fewer returns the week after the big game.

I had a “customer” (in quotes because customers are people that buy things) throw a fit when I tried to explain the item they were returning was not sold by our chain and had never been.

I always felt the references in AoS were too much of the “of course, the really interesting stuff is going on over there” vibe.

Welcome to Evil Week. You’re going to get a lot of articles like this in the next few days.

Wouldn’t that make the “miniseries” longer than the original run?

I hated when someone would try to pay for six bucks worth of food with a hundred because they were too lazy to go to the bank. Seems like it always happened at eleven a.m. as well.

Ooh, good call. I’ve been wanting a grilled cheese sandwich for days.

That would have to be a damn good sandwich.

I’ve only read the first trade but I liked it a lot.

Yeah, that sounds like the answer to the question, “what’s the best way to ruin guacamole?”

I have never seen a fish (neither a swimming one or a walking one) in root beer.

The irony is overwhelming. Fiorina’s campaign is literally the last place on earth anyone should be saying that. She’s the textbook definition of failing upward.

We decided that it really had that “middle movie of a trilogy” feel for all those reasons. Too much stuff that’s supposed to pay off later and too many notes they felt that they needed to hit.

Yeah, documentaries like that just annoy me. They look and feel like they took a bunch of clips from the press junket and threw a few clips in to pad it out.

We always called it “Dances With Smurfs.”

I’m convinced that’s the strategy of most of these people (grabbing some PAC money/auditioning for Fox News) but since he’s leading in the polls, I think Trumpy is going to work this as long as he can, even to the point of running as a third party candidate if he doesn’t get the nomination.

If you weren’t at least intrigued by the first episode, I wouldn’t bother with more. Yes, they’re all very different, but they all have a similar bleak “sorta-but-not-quite-Twilight-Zone” aesthetic.