
“If you want to learn more about me, go read my books! Thay’re available at your local library!”

The real question is if they don’t have money in Star Trek, why would anyone volunteer to live on the Enterprise to spend their time under constant threat to service replicators so Worf can have his prune juice?

Also, most of DC’s events of the last few years,

“We’re fighting to prevent superhero registration!”

Aw, man, now you reminded me hoe ridiculously implausible the entire plot of Cap 2 was.

Actually, screw this whole Captain America 3 thing. I want Falcon and the Ant-Man!

Childless commune? Where? Can I sign up?

Thank you. I’ve never understood why government registration of superheroes is almost always portrayed as the most terrible thing that could ever happen (see: Civil War, Watchmen, New Frontier, Invincible, etc). Add in the fact that most of the people in the Civil War storyline seem to get a personality transplant and

I’m fairly neutral on River Song as a character but I’d prefer they just stop bringing people back just to get the extra attention. Having Rose/River/The Paternoster Gang/whoever just show up every half a season or so gets tiring.

I always assumed Catherine Tate really pissed someone off to get that “you can never see her or even talk to her ever again because if you do the universe will break” ending that she did.

Were they? I gave up after Timeline.

There was a point (I think it was around Rising Sun) that he stopped writing novels and just started writing pitches for movies.

I literally did not understand now anyone that wasn’t a teenager in the eighties would even be interested.

Now I’m not feeling so bad that I gave up like fifty pages in.

A raft? Impossible. A spaceship? Sure, why not?

If we’re unable to even have a dialogue about guns after children get murdered at Sandy Hook, that’s not going to make it happen.

Is the first class at Trump University “How to get born into a family of millionaires”?

Kristen Schaal.

You can get one for about fifty bucks.

Bandette is great. Just get it already.