
Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated movie or nothing.

I wouldn’t say he really questioned religion. That was a constant throughout his life and career.

I don’t remember how I stumbled on to an old Peanuts collection but I was blown away with how edgy some of the stuff was.

The last twenty years of Peanuts underscores the problems with most newspaper comics: most of them aren’t funny and haven’t been for a long time. Reading the last few decades of Peanuts is like reading cartoons from The New Yorker: our brains tell us they’re cartoons so they must be funny but they really aren’t. I

Christmas presents not for immediate family members.

I’m done with not asking for separate checks.

I played the heck out of it for a while, realized there wasn’t much to it and deleted it.

Nope, it’s both.

I have the Library of America collected edition of his stuff. It’s crazy good. Every page is a (literal) work of art.

Yes! Spoil the hell out of it. We’re not going to see the thing.

I just don’t see any way these puzzle pieces could be reassembled to make a decent movie.

Don’t they have dollar theaters where you live? Wait if you must see it.

I hope you didn’t put a big down payment on a house out in Hollywood, Josh.

The relative they have in common died in 1742. That’s a little different than “kissing cousins.”

Why do all the Stewart haters compare him to news outlets? It’s like yelling at Letterman for being too much like Dan Rather.

Sometimes I think literally everything a conservative writes can be summarized as “I’m the REAL victim here!”

No, it’s cool. Just a guy that writes for a news magazine telling us news is stupid.

He’s not the only one and I’m sort of shocked that a lot of people don’t see it. It looks like everyone but Bush (maybe Cruz and Rubio) is in the race to “Advance Their Personal Brand/Audition for Fox News.” I can’t believe that anyone thinks Carly Fiorina or Bobby Jindal has anything remotely resembling a chance.

1) Why do you number your paragraphs?

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