
I thought this movie wouldn’t get any worse once I found out Kate Mara was in it.

Overbooking is something I’ve never quite understood. Specifically, why it’s allowed in the first place. Technically, they’re selling an order they have no intention of fulfilling. In some industries that would be fraud but with airlines it’s SOP.

Obviously I’m in the minority because I couldn’t stand Trainwreck. I thought it was just a by-the-numbers romantic comedy with some of Schumer’s comedic sensibility here and there.

Get out of my head.

Alternate answer: “The movie has a walking racoon in it and this is your big problem?”

I didn’t realize Bono still made music. I thought he just showed up to things.

and a lot of them were dictated by his new belief in his own status as a humanist visionary who saw the future of the human race as a kind of secular “heaven” where nobody ever had any conflict or disagreements of any kind...

It was an interesting idea, especially as the end to S1.

Sandler has created a string of horrible, vapid comedies that have helped make us all dumber

Eventually TV execs will learn not every show needs a story arc.

You made me remember Byron. Dammit.

Oh, man. We were talking about this just over the weekend. Burn Notice was so fun for the first few seasons but turned to garbage by the end. We called it “the curse of the story arc.” They just had to keep the story arc going...and going...and going...

You think that’s bad? What about the time I (activity) with (minor celebrity)?

Oh, a thousand times this.

Part of the problem was that they were told they were to be cancelled at the end of S4 so they made what was originally going to be S4 and S5 into the last few episodes of S4 (which is why the last six episodes of so feel so rushed). Then when it was resurrected, they were able to pick up some of the plots they didn’t

They’re saying it’s potentially #1 this weekend with upwards of $30M.

Despite abysmal ratings (20% on Rotten tomatoes, which is actually good for a Sandler movie) it’ll still make a bunch of money.

Because he figured out his angle. He can crank out a (relatively) cheap movie quick with a few of his friends (more names on the poster) and make money reliably when it’s all said and done. When you make a “comedy” for $40M, you don’t need a lot of ticket/DVD/licensing sales to turn a profit. He and his buddies all

Unfortunately, he keeps making movies because he’s a safe bet: his movies are (relatively) inexpensive and quick to make and he can always get a few of his friends to come and play to there’s at least a couple of recognizable names on the poster. Why people keep going to see them, that’s another matter...

After being coerced into seeing Trainwreck, I think Amy Schumer needs to cross acting off the old bucket list for good.