
We’ll always have the DVDs...

He said he needs like six (sorry, no — six of each so twelve) to do his apartment which must make it the filthiest place on earth.

Between Legend of the Rangers and that last TV movie thing, I’m content to let it go.

Having children is both optional and overrated.

The whole “sexy vs sleazy” debate just shows you that We Can’t Have Nice Things in comics.
Far too many mainstream comics seem to be written for adult males that have never touched a girl.

“If your toilet is clogged and you can’t find your plunger...”

Will it also feature Paul McCartney (who you might be more familiar with as the writer of the score to the video game Destiny)?

After binging on Twilight Zone on Netflix recently, I can attest to the fact that “they were really dead” is their favorite twist ending. I bet there’s at least a dozen of them where that’s the twist.

Ahhh, Soultaker.

It’s hard to pick one because despite being a lifelong reader, I think most fiction I’ve read could stand to be shorter. Case in point: the last Harry Potter book was more than twice as long as the first and virtually everyone that reads it says it’s way too long. Also, since everything has to be at least a trilogy

Was that the one with the log floating in the ocean? If so, yeah.

That’s the problem with some authors — when they get too big, editors start getting scared that they’ll bolt to another publisher and the basically stop giving them notes. You can tell exactly when that happens with some authors.

Agreed. I didn’t think the premise held up — it would have been a better novella or something.

They said shorter by 100 pages, not 10,000.

I am totally good with “leaving it to the scientists” since 99% of scientists also believe that climate change is real and caused by mankind.

I would love to see the Hammer movies get proper treatment in Region 1: I’d snap up a box set of Peter Cushing’s Frankenstein movies in a heartbeat.

This person is not carrying near enough stuff. Where’s the two phones, ipad and Macbook that most of these “go bags” seem to carry?

Oh, that death sketch was soo good!

The musical guest was Meat Loaf. I’ll never forget that.

I am disinclined to believe any source that calls The Devil Rides Out one of his best films.