
I’ve never been able to figure out why people are interested in time capsules for this reason. “Oh, look! They had Spaghetti-O’s and listened to The Beatles! They ate lunch and watched movies!. How things have changed!” What would be more interesting would be if fifty people of all walks of life wrote letters about

Take a piece of technology that exists, perfect it, and sell it with massive marketing muscle. Until now, Apple’s done well with that model with many even thinking they created the smartphone and mp3 player—only because it made them mainstream...

I am sorry I can only star this once.

“Send less than you earn” is the financial equivalent of “eat less, excercise more”: technically correct but glib and ultimately useless.

I hate the Super Powerful Genius Baby in all forms of media and Franklin Richards is no exception.

The audience is XKCD fans who will buy it no matter what it is.

Looks like they just crunched numbers without looking at these towns for any other reasons you’d live there. Check out Rangely, CO: a town of 2,000 with an easy four hour commute to either SLC or Denver. (and by “easy” I mean “the drive to SLC is four hours of nothing”))

The question is really what do you want out of a cookbook? If you want to learn the how and why, there are a lot of authors you should read (Alton Brown, Harold McGee, Kenji Lopez-Alt, and Cooks’ Illustrated to name a few). If you just want a bunch of recipes, 1983 called and wants its recipe box back.

I guess if you throw out all the examples that prove him wrong like he does, yeah, it’s an ironclad argument.

Great suggestions. As I mentioned elsewhere, if someone wants to learn, I’d give them a book like this. If they just want some recipes, look at the Internet.

I’d suggest this one as well. There are some people (Alton Brown, Harold McGee, and Kenji Lopez-Alt to name a few) that write books that teach you what to do and why. Let’s face it — collections or recipes are almost superfluous in the Internet age. If someone REALLY wanted to learn something, I’d give them a book

See also: Dali, Warhol, etc cetera...

Because every time I hear the cord-cutting argument, it sounds like a pain in the neck. Most of these comments turn into “All you have to do is get Hulu+, Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO Go, a Roku, and pirate a bunch of stuff and you’re set! It’s just that easy! Unless you want to watch sports, in which case you’re

My vote is Alan Rickman in ALL OF THEM

It’s a stupid ad to be sure but I agree that people need to get rid of their damn lawns. I know I’m sick of mine, with the watering and weeding and mowing...I just need to get some time and money to do the landscaping needed to get rid of it.

10) Amaunator

I’m trying to be optimistic about sense8 but it’s hard because it involves the Wachowskis and JMS, people that have been involved in some on my most loved and most hated sci-fi. (How JMS could do both Babylon 5 and Superman: Grounded is beyond me. I’m still guessing demonic possession.)

I’m going to make a wild guess that ebay isn’t going to be “flooded” with everyone trying to sell their Apple 1 computers since the amount that are still around is in the low dozens at best.

CleanBayArea sold the computer for $200,000 to a private collector...

If you want The Easiest Slow Cooker recipe ever, I give you salsa chicken: