
I had some amazing meals in London when we went there. Way more diversity than the typical town in the U.S.

I am convinced of the current crop of superhero TV that Daredevil is the one with staying power.

Because all anyone ever sees is a guy that’s really good at fighting. It’s not like his radar sense is visible.

Maybe if they build more shipping centers, but unlikely otherwise.

Still, we found it super distracting.

For some old models, yes. Kryptonite addressed that pretty much immediately.

...and yet I’d rather read his stuff than anyone else you mentioned in the article.

I didn’t even read the last few but only did the audiobooks because he’s so good. The problem is when you listen to his other stuff and he seems to re-use voices, like A Christmas Carol and Hagrid is talking to Hermione about Scrooge for some reason.

Amy Sedaris’ book “I Like You” is also awesome.

I’m sure it depends. Most of this “secret menu” nonsense is just people on the Internet making stuff up. No restaurant I’ve ever worked at has had a secret menu. When you tell your server you want a chicken whizbang or whatever, you’ll either get a nod of understanding or a blank stare because they have no idea what

Agreed. Based on my usual rule of trailers (“Like a job interview or an online dating profile, the trailer is the best the movie has to offer.”) I decided Tomorrowland would bore me to tears if I bothered to see it.

This. If the company that makes the software doesn’t support what you want, I don’t see why I should spend time trying to prove them wrong.

“But you’re a nerd! You like doing that kind of thing!” (Something I’ve heard before)

Related, but something I get ALL THE TIME:

My SO used to work in a bookstore and got that all the time.

I CAN’T READ! *cries uncontrollably*

I was working through a problem with a user once and they asked me why I didn’t know how to do something in their app and I told them this was literally the first time I had ever laid eyes on their software before. He was totally speechless.

This. Users don’t realize IT can’t be bothered to care what you’re doing as long as you’re not breaking something. (My motto: “they don’t pay me enough to be the Computer Police.”)

I’ve never wanted to go to a high school reunion ever. I’d just have to rub elbows with everyone I hated in high school. Besides, Facebook shows us that everyone you ever knew in high school just got fatter and more religious as time went on.

As an IT person, I get tired of the fact that people want to tell me about their computer problems at home. Sorry, folks, I don’t care. Do I walk into the accounting department and expect them to to my taxes because “hey, you’re a tax nerd, you love this stuff.” No I do not.