
My answers are usually a variation of: “Reboot.”, “Hey, this isn’t magic. What you’re asking isn’t possible.” and “How the fuck should I know?”

So I can only assume that even though she’s hideously old now that in a couple of decades she’ll be eligible for those “Best Exotic Marigold Hotel”-type jobs. You know — the ones where it’s so wacky that old people still do stuff.

Having your heroes look like they’ve been eating marshmallow fluff was definitely a ‘90s thing.

So maybe he should tell that guy going blind in SC to buy a watch instead.

I don’t know — considering how much money Fox undoubtedly earns from The Simpsons, it’s not unreasonable for the voice talent to want a cut of that.

Multipass, yeah. She knows it’s a multipass.

I remember in the director’s commentary for some movie they said something like “if you shake a movie, ten minutes will fall out” meaning that every movie could stand one more pass on editing. Sometimes people get too attached to their material and it could use it (for additional reference, see Peter Jackson’s last

It’s a shame they couldn’t find some stairs or something. She could have walked up a couple to give him that medal.

Question from someone that gave up on AoS ages ago and hasn’t see Ultron yet: do they really not know Coulson is alive?

They did Supergirl too! They’re totally feminist over there at DC!

Comedian/actor Patton Oswalt tweeted, “There is a “Tea Party” equivalent of progressivism/liberalism. And they just chased Joss Whedon off Twitter.”

I’m not sure why people are concerned with who did or should have died in the movie. Death in the MCU has zero emotional impact, sort of like in comics because we know they’ll just bring them back when convenient.

Avengers: Age of Franchise Placeholders.

It got a lot of its mileage on the whole “look, it’s the culmination of all these movies and everyone is together!” thing but as a movie, I’d put it firmly in the “okay” camp.

It wasn’t a story; it was a series of incidents, loosely connected. There was paradoxically way too much happening and not enough happening at all. Characters didn’t have arcs or emotions; they had quips and beats.

Not sure why D/M/Y is any more scientific than M/D/Y but good for you.

Welcome to the miracle of helicopter parenting.

It is kind of hilarious that everyone in the world acknowledges this is Whedon’s thing except Whedon.

Some states are just bound and determined to turn themselves into third-world countries...

To quote Bill Hicks, Jesus is like Elvis. Love the dude, hate his fans.