
With the "Let me show you my bag" crowd it's just about how much junk you can get in your backpack. It makes every trip to Starbucks like a trek through the Himalayas!

The deerstalker came in when William Gilette used it in the stage play of Sherlock Holmes. Same with the meerschaum pipe.

The strange thing about The Olive Garden is that it has this subset of regular customers who think that they are royalty simply because they are regular customers.

Remind me of this after Rick, Carol, Carl, Michonne, or Daryl get it.

Oh, that's probably exactly what it was there for. Like the "This is the beginning" in Noah's journal, it's just terrible, terrible writing.

Oh, I'm not saying it isn't totally stupid. Heaven forbid they try something that's proven to work in the past, that would be boring.

Several thoughts:

Unfortunately, the First Rule of TV says a stunt only works once. You might as well ask why they didn't put on raincoats smeared with zombie guts. If Rick and company used common sense, the show wouldn't be near as suspenseful, I suppose.

Unfortunately for his character arc, literally everyone would have been better off if he had stayed in the hospital.

Part of me hopes the whole "Scarlet Letter" reference is unintentional because it's so on-the-nose a junior high school creative writing class would have thrown it out for being too hacky.

Well we know they aren't too hung up on following the books exactly, don't we? I figure all bets are off.

Since Noah's arc was basically done when Beth died, this isn't a huge surprise.

We can only hope she brings more of that "oh, is the camera on?" acting style she brought to House of Cards.

If it were nice, they wouldn't be (literally) paying you to live there.

As anyone who's watched The Middleman — all right-thinking people, in other words...

You'll see it, and you'll be like, "I can't believe they're doing that."

I'm okay with never seeing the Paternoster Gang ever again.

Yeah, that was weird and I don't see a lot of people commenting on it. Someone needs to remind him that a couple of seasons ago there was another dude messin' with his woman and he was less than cool about it.

Booster Gold was a totally underrated series in the wake of 52.

Considering how well they handled the whole Batwoman thing, I'm sure this will be handled with the utmost sensitivity.