
Fraction's Hawkeye is just the greatest thing ever.

Everyone I know that has read that book despised it with a fiery passion.

See, that's why most restaurants fail in the first year — they don't realize they have to be very quality focused.

I am all for any award acceptance where it takes longer for the guy to walk to the stage than it takes to give the speech.

Yeah, that customer has some real issues but Mr. Approachable Espresso just comes off as a huge passive aggressive jerk. If you don't serve plain black coffee just tell him, for God's sake. Sounds like somebody just wanted to throw a cup of gasoline on that fire for fun.

Yep, that would do it.

"However, she would order a chocolate milkshake without the syrup, without the ice cream, and without the chocolate."

I remember the whole "old people that want you to have their orders memorized" thing. As if saying "a sausage biscuit and senior decaf" was going to shorten his life expectancy.

Ah, Fazzoli's. The Taco Bell of Italian food. For when Olive Garden is just too classy.

Yeah, Dora isn't getting a nickel. That lady's either leaving it to Oral Roberts University or to the chihuahua.

A million times this. Groups of churchies are the absolute worst. Everything in the stereotype is true: the talking over multiple tables for hours, the smug rudeness, the stiffing on tips.

Agreed. I'm pretty much done with gardening, but I'm still buying basil, rosemary, and oregano plants every spring. (Also a bay leaf plant once I use up least year's stock)

"...you can recover its cost in saved rental fees within two wedding seasons."

Either you don't drive your car much or you buy some really expensive parts for that bike.

You still can! Go, man, go! It's twenty bucks which is the cheapest it's been since it was announced!

After recently wrapping up a Twilight Zone binge on Netflix, I'm going to tell you now: it is not as good as you remember. For every "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet" there's a "From Agnes With Love" or "Mr. Dingle the Strong." There's a bunch of good stuff in there, but there's a lot that isn't.

There are people that didn't pre-order this? Weird, man.

She also didn't seem to have a problem with collecting Social Security, either.

I've had several discussions with friends on the same topic: what do we accept as commonplace that will be seen as unbelievably stupid to future generations?

You say you waited for The Avengers for what, four years? You are adorable.