
But I can only give you one star. It's not fair.

(You mean like how she treats Jenny like a servant, even in private? Yeah.)

There are so many reasons that the "we don't need books anymore" people in that other thread were giving me a migraine.

Seeing that we live in a time where it's easier to research a given topic than in any other time in human history, it's sort of pathetic that people still believe this kind of stuff. So thank goodness for Snopes!

Re: Tron — if they have USB ports, does that mean they have to keep flipping themselves over because they put it in the wrong way up all the time?

"What happens after the initial zombie outbreak" is pretty much the elevator pitch for The Walking Dead and World War Z.

Maybe Kickstarter's original intent was investing but it's certainly almost all preordering at this point.

He was in the Animated Universe, IIRC.

I thought this was a disappointing midpoint to an otherwise good season.

My problem with the ending is that he now thinks Rick and co. are going to Washington, which they now have zero reason to go to.

Look out! Someone's feelings got hurt!

I don't think that's going to be that unpopular an opinion. Castle has really jumped the shark in the last couple of seasons between the "ninjas and ghosts" stories and the "24-style political conspiracy" episodes.

Agreed. The more we saw of her, the less I liked her.

Somebody told me this once: "In your twenties, you worry about what people are thinking about you. In your forties, you don't worry about what people think about you. In your sixties, you realize people weren't thinking about you in the first place."

$75 when the alternative is "don't fill up your current teapot all the way."

The War of Art is amazing. Also "Art and Fear."

There's a wider selection of ebooks than books?

I forgot about Seeds of Doom! That did have its creepy moments.

Thank you for mentioning Horror of Fang Rock, perhaps one of my favorite Who stories ever (old or new).

I wasn't scared when Osgood bought it..."relieved" or "elated" would be a better word choice.