This is truly a team of Florida Men. Nothing we do makes sense until suddenly the end result is more horrifying than the steps it took to get there.
This is truly a team of Florida Men. Nothing we do makes sense until suddenly the end result is more horrifying than the steps it took to get there.
Aside from the fact he is the richest and has one of if not the largest markets available and several owners owe him for various reasons (Relocation Votes for example), he has basically done what any lifetime politician has done and so ingrained himself in every facet, be it by bribery, coercion, extortion, blackmail,…
Cross your heart?
Several games also have a legally binding ToS that basically boils down to two parts: You may not reproduce, share pictures or footage of gameplay for monetary purposes or attempt to bypass/reverse engineer any guards in place to prevent this from occuring.
All thats missing is turning this into a highwqy Roundabout and we got a Highway Hell Bingo here.
No. I brought fire wood, a hatchet, A roasting spit, Gasoline, and a flare gun. And a shovel and lime. No evidence.
Need some clarification:
Jacksonville is 2 parts, Florida Man as a Trump Supporter, and Florida Man as every racist stereotype you ever heard.
Ex-Patriated Florida Man reporting for Reservist Callup!
As someone who saw and lived through Andrew...Miami getting hit by this, if anywhere near as devastating...will be swimming and probably have no home games the rest of the year.
One day I might remember where I was in homestuck to finish it myself...
So if the L.A Rams win we call you Psychic or Cursed?
Lions, Bag, Or Blender?
You werent the only one
The system is designed to eventually recompense those for losses as well. Not to mention some people, after all said and done and life atarts returning to normal, will have a bout of Conscience and return or reimburse the store, either in person or anonymously.
How about a collision of every anime universe in a moba with self creationist features like this... break all the canons... with hand cannons.
I do not approve of Antifa’s measure to take the fight to the Nazi ‘alt-right’ but would rather be an antifa than a Stalin/Hitler-ite or a Dukey
Inequality and fear are rampant in the world, and only the bold and strong make their voices heard in the deafened halls, crying for peace and justice.
Or to Legal Aid causes in poor communities. The ones who need it most because of the shithead stuff these guys envision is the ‘right’ path that tramples on them.
Trump set the bar low enough a corpse could jump over it.