Disenfranchised Republican

Unlimited ammo at the metaphorical firing squad execution means never having to aim squarely at the topic at hand...

Hell with that, have one of em hang it of their erection at full mast.

This is standard for EMS. If a patient goes into a coded status or presents unchanging or destabilizing vitals in transit they need to take him to the nearest facility to admit for stabilization and transport to a more appropriate facility when stabilized. This means that a cardiac arrest due to severe trauma could

So a Victorian era style ball gown hides a nest of feral children who attack anyone who offends their mother? Sounds legit. That fan art though says all the kids are in bed and its time for all the good grown up drones to help Queen Mother make more for her streetwalking murderhobo brigade.

So: What happens if someone dies and something like a defib occurs but a this fucker is already here teying to nom on the now dead person’s soul? Is there a possible feedback that actually can cause this thing to instead get absorbed by a person and allow them to burn brighter and stronger and do great things? That

Character Archetypes: You pick a trainer from beginning of the game who gets to use/do/obtain a certain skill to be used once in battle.

There is no God, only Wailord.

Guest Starring: Ash from Evil Dead and Marcus Fenix from GoW using his buzzsaw rifle.

Risk (of familial disputes)- A family game!

It's on ESPN8, The Ocho

Spell the words backwards while It's a Small World plays endlessly on repeat.

Pokemon Sleep's mascots: Hypno, Drowzee, and Snorlax.

Pokemon Snap 2.0. Real Life Camera App and take photos.

What's gonna be terrifying is if it has a broadcast about your sleep/wakeful status and the app is hacked by tech savvy thieves. A thief who knows everyone is asleep is going to be much more emboldened.

They'll use their line of scrimmage as all eligible receivers for purpose of body count, and the QB will be allowed to use a T-shirt Cannon at half field for depth.

Hail Mary: 15 seconds or less left til end of half (meaning possibility to allow for 2 per game). Ball must travel >35 yards and there must be at least 6 receivers on the Offense for it to qualify.

The Holy Trinity:

Worse: Watch people do shit likw recreate Nazi Germany flags on the parapets.

Those pieces will be shipped to North Korea for mineral refracted laser guidance ordinance used in hot air balloon drops.

IOC just reported that the 100m Sprint-Limbo is now certified as an official sport.