Disenfranchised Republican

As a guy who did 6, I agree. I consider myself a Moderate as a Republican, am disgusted with the bullshit pandering against the racial divide issue (There IS still inequality, and Charlottesville had domestic terrorism, the kind that once plagued the Civil Rights era, resurfacing.), and believe the President is a thin

Agreed. A right to protect yourself and your passengers should be considered an exemption with the burden of proof being placed upon the driver.

So what about the ramificationsnof suicide by motor vehicle?

Still better than the Navy’s choice of solutions. Here’s some Advil, go back to work.

Ignoring them will do nothing, they will spout and spread byllahit and hate to those who are walking with emotional wounds running deep. We must act against them, to counter their hate before it can lead to action. Not by blood, but by teaching, and empowering, those targetted and those vulnerable to their sway.

As Billy Joel once sang, ‘We didn’t start the fire’

I strongly believe our Government did nothing to silence this, despite knowing full well some fucking idiot would have a gun, or a car, and let these two sides march together praying someone wouldnt be an idiot.

Sadly, despite the line All Men Are Created Equal, these half wits continue to push for a Male dominated White First society of Old Testament values and virtues, which in itself I find ironic because of the fact that these parables and stories took place in Israel, Egypt, etc